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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule class includes/ An actual rule.
rule function ./rules.module Creates a new rule.

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Title Object type File name Summary
RulesPlugin::form_validate function includes/
RulesPlugin::getArgument function includes/ Returns the argument for the parameter $name described with $info.
RulesPlugin::getArgumentInfo function includes/ Returns info about the configured argument.
RulesPlugin::getExecutionArguments function includes/ Gets the right arguments for executing the element.
RulesPlugin::getPluginName function includes/ Gets the name of this plugin instance.
RulesPlugin::hasStatus function includes/ Checks if the configuration has a certain exportable status.
RulesPlugin::identifier function includes/ Returns the config name.
RulesPlugin::import function includes/ Applies the given export.
RulesPlugin::importParameterSetting function includes/
RulesPlugin::importSettings function includes/
RulesPlugin::info function includes/ Returns the info of the plugin.
RulesPlugin::integrityCheck function includes/ Makes sure the plugin is configured right.
RulesPlugin::internalIdentifier function includes/
RulesPlugin::isRoot function includes/ Returns whether the element is the root of the configuration.
RulesPlugin::label function includes/ Returns the label of the element.
RulesPlugin::optimize function includes/ Optimizes a rule configuration in order to speed up evaluation.
RulesPlugin::parameterInfo function includes/ Returns info about parameters needed for executing the configured plugin.
RulesPlugin::parentElement function includes/ Returns the element's parent.
RulesPlugin::plugin function includes/ Returns the name of the element's plugin.
RulesPlugin::pluginInfo function includes/ Returns info about the element's plugin.
RulesPlugin::pluginParameterInfo function includes/ Returns info about parameters needed by the plugin.
RulesPlugin::pluginProvidesVariables function includes/ Returns info about variables 'provided' by the plugin.
RulesPlugin::processSettings function includes/ Processes the settings e.g. to prepare input evaluators.
RulesPlugin::providesVariables function includes/ Returns info about all variables provided for later evaluated elements.
RulesPlugin::resetInternalCache function includes/ Resets any internal static caches.
RulesPlugin::returnExport function includes/ Finalizes the configuration export.
RulesPlugin::returnVariables function includes/ Gets variables to return once the configuration has been executed.
RulesPlugin::root function includes/ Gets the root element of the configuration.
RulesPlugin::save function includes/ Saves the configuration to the database.
RulesPlugin::setParent function includes/ Sets a new parent element.
RulesPlugin::setUpState function includes/ Sets up the execution state for the given arguments.
RulesPlugin::setUpVariables function includes/ Returns info about all variables that have to be setup in the state.
RulesPlugin::variableInfoAssertions function includes/ Returns asserted additions to the available variable info.
RulesPlugin::__clone function includes/ Do a deep clone.
RulesPlugin::__sleep function includes/
RulesPlugin::__toString function includes/ When converted to a string, just use the export format.
RulesPluginFeaturesIntegrationInterace interface ./ Interface for backwards compatibility with older versions of Rules.
RulesPluginFeaturesIntegrationInterface interface ./ Interface to give features access to the faces extensions mechanism.
RulesPluginFeaturesIntegrationInterface::features_export function ./ Allows customizing the features export for a given rule element.
RulesPluginHandlerBase class includes/ Base class for implementing abstract plugins via classes.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::$element property includes/
RulesPluginHandlerBase::access function includes/ Implements RulesPluginImplInterface::access().
RulesPluginHandlerBase::assertions function includes/ Returns an array of info assertions for the specified parameters.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::dependencies function includes/ Returns an array of required modules.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::form_alter function includes/ Alters the generated configuration form of the element.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::info_alter function includes/ Allows altering of the element's action/condition info.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::process function includes/ Processes settings independent from a form submission.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::validate function includes/ Validates $settings independent from a form submission.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::__construct function includes/ Overridden to provide $this->element to make the code more meaningful.
RulesPluginHandlerInterface interface includes/ Provides the base interface for implementing abstract plugins via classes.