function RulesPlugin::returnVariables

Gets variables to return once the configuration has been executed.

2 calls to RulesPlugin::returnVariables()
RulesAbstractPlugin::executeByArgs in includes/
Execute the configuration by passing arguments in a single array.
RulesContainerPlugin::executeByArgs in includes/
Executes container with the given arguments.
2 methods override RulesPlugin::returnVariables()
RulesCondition::returnVariables in includes/
Just return the boolean result.
RulesConditionContainer::returnVariables in includes/
Just return the condition container's result.


includes/, line 703


Base class for rules plugins.


protected function returnVariables(RulesState $state, $result = NULL) {
    $var_info = $this->providesVariables();
    foreach ($var_info as $name => $info) {
        try {
            $vars[$name] = $this->getArgument($name, $info, $state);
        } catch (RulesEvaluationException $e) {
            // Ignore not existing variables.
            $vars[$name] = NULL;
        $var_info[$name] += array(
            'allow null' => TRUE,
    return isset($vars) ? array_values(rules_unwrap_data($vars, $var_info)) : array();