function RulesPlugin::integrityCheck

Makes sure the plugin is configured right.

"Configured right" means all needed variables are available in the element's scope and dependent modules are enabled.

Return value



RulesIntegrityException In case of a failed integrity check, a RulesIntegrityException exception is thrown.

2 calls to RulesPlugin::integrityCheck()
RulesAbstractPlugin::integrityCheck in includes/
Makes sure the plugin is configured right.
RulesContainerPlugin::integrityCheck in includes/
2 methods override RulesPlugin::integrityCheck()
RulesAbstractPlugin::integrityCheck in includes/
Makes sure the plugin is configured right.
RulesContainerPlugin::integrityCheck in includes/


includes/, line 883


Base class for rules plugins.


public function integrityCheck() {
    // First process the settings if not done yet.
    // Check dependencies using the pre-calculated dependencies stored in
    // $this->dependencies. Fail back to calculation them on the fly, e.g.
    // during creation.
    $dependencies = empty($this->dependencies) ? $this->dependencies() : $this->dependencies;
    foreach ($dependencies as $module) {
        if (!module_exists($module)) {
            throw new RulesDependencyException(t('Missing required module %name.', array(
                '%name' => $module,
    // Check the parameter settings.
    // Check variable names for provided variables to be valid.
    foreach ($this->pluginProvidesVariables() as $name => $info) {
        if (isset($this->settings[$name . ':var'])) {
            $this->checkVarName($this->settings[$name . ':var']);
    return $this;