function RulesPlugin::pluginParameterInfo

Returns info about parameters needed by the plugin.

Note that not necessarily all parameters are needed when executing the plugin, as values for the parameter might have been already configured via the element settings.

See also


9 calls to RulesPlugin::pluginParameterInfo()
RulesAbstractPlugin::pluginParameterInfo in includes/
Returns info about parameters needed by the plugin.
RulesContainerPlugin::exportFlat in includes/
Determines whether the element should be exported in flat style.
RulesPlugin::access in includes/
Whether the currently logged in user has access to all configured elements.
RulesPlugin::checkParameterSettings in includes/
Checks whether parameters are correctly configured.
RulesPlugin::dependencies in includes/
Calculates an array of required modules.

... See full list

2 methods override RulesPlugin::pluginParameterInfo()
RulesAbstractPlugin::pluginParameterInfo in includes/
Returns info about parameters needed by the plugin.
RulesLoop::pluginParameterInfo in includes/
Returns info about parameters needed by the plugin.


includes/, line 634


Base class for rules plugins.


public function pluginParameterInfo() {
    return isset($this->info['parameter']) ? $this->info['parameter'] : array();