function views_get_all_views

Same name in other branches
  1. 7.x-3.x views.module \views_get_all_views()

Return an array of all views as fully loaded $view objects.


$reset: If TRUE, reset the static cache forcing views to be reloaded.

10 calls to views_get_all_views()
drush_views_analyze in drush/
drush_views_list in drush/
Callback function for views-list command.
template_preprocess_views_ui_list_views in includes/
Preprocess the list views theme
ViewsSqlTest::enableViewsUi in tests/views_query.test
This function allows to enable views ui from a higher class which can't change the setup function anymore.
views_block in ./views.module
Implementation of hook_block

... See full list


./views.module, line 1068


function views_get_all_views($reset = FALSE) {
    static $views = array();
    if (empty($views) || $reset) {
        $views = array();
        // First, get all applicable views.
        $views = view::load_views();
        // Get all default views.
        $status = variable_get('views_defaults', array());
        foreach (views_discover_default_views($reset) as $view) {
            // Determine if default view is enabled or disabled.
            if (isset($status[$view->name])) {
                $view->disabled = $status[$view->name];
            // If overridden, also say so.
            if (!empty($views[$view->name])) {
                $views[$view->name]->type = t('Overridden');
            else {
                $view->type = t('Default');
                $views[$view->name] = $view;
    return $views;