10 calls to views_get_all_views()

drush_views_analyze in drush/views.drush.inc
drush_views_list in drush/views.drush.inc
Callback function for views-list command.
template_preprocess_views_ui_list_views in includes/admin.inc
Preprocess the list views theme
ViewsSqlTest::enableViewsUi in tests/views_query.test
This function allows to enable views ui from a higher class which can't change the setup function anymore.
views_block in ./views.module
Implementation of hook_block
views_drush_revert_views in drush/views.drush.inc
Callback function for views-revert command.
views_export_export_form in views_export/views_export.module
Form to choose a group of views to export.
views_get_applicable_views in ./views.module
Return a list of all views and display IDs that have a particular setting in their display's plugin settings.
views_ui_admin_convert in includes/convert.inc
Page callback for the tools - Views 1 convert page
views_views_exportables in ./views.module
Implementation of hook_views_exportables().