function views_ui_view_preview_section_handler_links

Returns contextual links for each handler of a certain section.

@todo Bring in relationships. @todo Refactor this function to use much of views_ui_edit_form_get_bucket.


string $title: Add a bolded title of this section.

2 calls to views_ui_view_preview_section_handler_links()
template_preprocess_views_ui_view_preview_section in ./views_ui.module
Theme preprocess for theme_views_ui_view_preview_section().
views_ui_view_preview_section_rows_links in ./views_ui.module
Returns all contextual links for the main content part of the view.


./views_ui.module, line 529


function views_ui_view_preview_section_handler_links($view, $type, $title = FALSE) {
    $display = $view->display_handler->display;
    $handlers = $view->display_handler
    $links = array();
    $types = views_object_types();
    if ($title) {
        $links[$type . '-title'] = array(
            'title' => $types[$type]['title'],
    foreach ($handlers as $id => $handler) {
        $field_name = $handler->ui_name(TRUE);
        $links[$type . '-edit-' . $id] = array(
            'title' => t('Edit @section', array(
                '@section' => $field_name,
            'href' => "admin/structure/views/nojs/config-item/{$view->name}/{$display->id}/{$type}/{$id}",
            'attributes' => array(
                'class' => array(
    $links[$type . '-add'] = array(
        'title' => t('Add new'),
        'href' => "admin/structure/views/nojs/add-item/{$view->name}/{$display->id}/{$type}",
        'attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
    return $links;