function views_form_validate

The basic form validate handler. Fires the hook_views_form_validate() function.

2 string references to 'views_form_validate'
views_form in ./views.module
This is the entry function. Just gets the form for the current step. The form is always assumed to be multistep, even if it has only one step (the default 'views_form_views_form' step). That way it is actually possible for modules to have a multistep…
views_form_views_form_validate in ./views.module
Validate handler for the first step of the views form. Calls any existing views_form_validate functions located on the views fields.


./views.module, line 1245


function views_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
    // Fire the hook. Doesn't use module_invoke_all() because $form_state needs
    // to be passed by reference.
    foreach (module_implements('views_form_validate') as $module) {
        $function = $module . '_views_form_validate';
        $function($form, $form_state);