
Helper module for Views tests.



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 * @file
 * Helper module for Views tests.

 * Implements hook_permission().
function views_test_permission() {
    return array(
        'views_test test permission' => array(
            'title' => t('Test permission'),
            'description' => t('views_test test permission'),

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function views_test_views_api() {
    return array(
        'api' => 3.0,
        'template path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'views') . '/test_templates',

 * Implements hook_views_data().
function views_test_views_data() {
    // Count how often this hook is called.
    $count = variable_get('views_test_views_data_count', 0);
    variable_set('views_test_views_data_count', $count);
    return variable_get('views_test_views_data', array());

 * Implements hook_views_plugins().
function views_test_views_plugins() {
    return variable_get('views_test_views_plugins', array());

function views_test_test_static_access_callback($access) {
    return $access;

function views_test_test_dynamic_access_callback($access, $argument1, $argument2) {
    return $access && $argument1 == variable_get('test_dynamic_access_argument1', NULL) && $argument2 == variable_get('test_dynamic_access_argument2', NULL);

 * Implements hook_views_pre_render().
function views_test_views_pre_render(&$view) {
    if ($view->name == 'test_cache_header_storage') {
        drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'views_test') . '/views_cache.test.js');
        drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'views_test') . '/views_cache.test.css');
        $view->pre_render_called = TRUE;

 * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_views_view_mapping_test().
function template_preprocess_views_view_mapping_test(&$variables) {
    $variables['element'] = array();
    foreach ($variables['rows'] as $delta => $row) {
        $fields = array();
        foreach ($variables['options']['mapping'] as $type => $field_names) {
            if (!is_array($field_names)) {
                $field_names = array(
            foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
                if ($value = $variables['view']->style_plugin
                    ->get_field($delta, $field_name)) {
                    $fields[$type . '-' . $field_name] = $type . ':' . $value;
        // If there are no fields in this row, skip to the next one.
        if (empty($fields)) {
        // Build a container for the row.
        $variables['element'][$delta] = array(
            '#type' => 'container',
            '#attributes' => array(
                'class' => array(
        // Add each field to the row.
        foreach ($fields as $key => $render) {
            $variables['element'][$delta][$key] = array(
                '#children' => $render,
                '#type' => 'container',
                '#attributes' => array(
                    'class' => array(

 * Returns HTML for the Mapping Test style.
function theme_views_view_mapping_test($variables) {
    return drupal_render($variables['element']);


Title Deprecated Summary
template_preprocess_views_view_mapping_test Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_views_view_mapping_test().
theme_views_view_mapping_test Returns HTML for the Mapping Test style.
views_test_permission Implements hook_permission().
views_test_views_api Implements hook_views_api().
views_test_views_data Implements hook_views_data().
views_test_views_plugins Implements hook_views_plugins().
views_test_views_pre_render Implements hook_views_pre_render().