function node_views_analyze

Same name in other branches
  1. 6.x-3.x modules/ \node_views_analyze()

Implements hook_views_analyze().


modules/, line 774


function node_views_analyze($view) {
    $ret = array();
    // Check for something other than the default display.
    if ($view->base_table == 'node') {
        foreach ($view->display as $display) {
            if (empty($display->handler)) {
            if (!$display->handler
                ->is_defaulted('access') || !$display->handler
                ->is_defaulted('filters')) {
                // Check for no access control.
                $access = $display->handler
                if (empty($access['type']) || $access['type'] == 'none') {
                    $select = db_select('role', 'r');
                    $select->innerJoin('role_permission', 'p', 'r.rid = p.rid');
                    $result = $select->fields('r', array(
                        ->fields('p', array(
                        ->condition('', array(
                        'anonymous user',
                        'authenticated user',
                    ), 'IN')
                        ->condition('p.permission', 'access content')
                    foreach ($result as $role) {
                        $role->safe = TRUE;
                        $roles[$role->name] = $role;
                    if (!($roles['anonymous user']->safe && $roles['authenticated user']->safe)) {
                        $ret[] = views_ui_analysis(t('Some roles lack permission to access content, but display %display has no access control.', array(
                            '%display' => $display->display_title,
                        )), 'warning');
                    $filters = $display->handler
                    foreach ($filters as $filter) {
                        if ($filter['table'] == 'node' && ($filter['field'] == 'status' || $filter['field'] == 'status_extra')) {
                            continue 2;
                    $ret[] = views_ui_analysis(t('Display %display has no access control but does not contain a filter for published nodes.', array(
                        '%display' => $display->display_title,
                    )), 'warning');
    foreach ($view->display as $display) {
        if ($display->display_plugin == 'page') {
            if ($display->handler
                ->get_option('path') == 'node/%') {
                $ret[] = views_ui_analysis(t('Display %display has set node/% as path. This will not produce what you want. If you want to have multiple versions of the node view, use panels.', array(
                    '%display' => $display->display_title,
                )), 'warning');
    return $ret;