function views_include_handler

Attempt to find the include file for a given handler from its definition.

This will also attempt to include all parents, though we're maxing the parent chain to 10 to prevent infinite loops.

2 calls to views_include_handler()
views_plugin_display::construct in plugins/
Views handlers use a special construct function so that we can more easily construct them with variable arguments.
_views_create_handler in includes/
Instantiate and construct a new handler


includes/, line 56


function views_include_handler($handler, $definition, $type, $count = 0) {
    // Do not proceed if the class already exists.
    if (isset($handler) && class_exists($handler, FALSE)) {
        return TRUE;
    // simple infinite loop prevention.
    if ($count > 10) {
        vpr(t('Handler @handler include tried to loop infinitely!', array(
            '@handler' => $handler,
        return FALSE;
    if (!isset($definition['path'])) {
        if ($type == 'handler') {
            $definition += views_fetch_handler_data($handler);
        else {
            $definition += views_fetch_plugin_data($type, $handler);
    if (!empty($definition['parent'])) {
        if ($type == 'handler') {
            $parent = views_fetch_handler_data($definition['parent']);
        else {
            $parent = views_fetch_plugin_data($type, $definition['parent']);
        if ($parent) {
            $rc = views_include_handler($parent['handler'], $parent, $type, $count + 1);
            // If the parent chain cannot be included, don't try; this will
            // help alleviate problems with modules with cross dependencies.
            if (!$rc) {
                return FALSE;
    if (isset($definition['path']) && $definition['file']) {
        $filename = './' . $definition['path'] . '/' . $definition['file'];
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
            require_once $filename;
    return class_exists($handler, FALSE);