function views_date_sql_format

Same name in other branches
  1. 7.x-3.x includes/ \views_date_sql_format()

Helper function to create cross-database SQL date formatting.


$format: A format string for the result, like 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.

$field: The real table and field name, like 'tablename.fieldname'.

$field_type: The type of date field, 'int' or 'datetime'.

$set_offset: The name of a field that holds the timezone offset or a fixed timezone offset value. If not provided, the normal Drupal timezone handling will be used, i.e. $set_offset = 0 will make no timezone adjustment.

Return value

An appropriate SQL string for the db type and field type.

3 calls to views_date_sql_format()
views_handler_argument_node_created_fulldate::construct in modules/node/
Constructor implementation
views_handler_argument_node_created_year_month::construct in modules/node/
Constructor implementation
views_handler_sort_date::query in handlers/
Called to add the sort to a query.


includes/, line 1229


function views_date_sql_format($format, $field, $field_type = 'int', $set_offset = NULL) {
    $db_type = $GLOBALS['db_type'];
    $field = views_date_sql_field($field, $field_type, $set_offset);
    switch ($db_type) {
        case 'mysql':
        case 'mysqli':
            $replace = array(
                'Y' => '%Y',
                'y' => '%y',
                'M' => '%%b',
                'm' => '%m',
                'n' => '%c',
                'F' => '%M',
                'D' => '%a',
                'd' => '%%d',
                'l' => '%W',
                'j' => '%e',
                'W' => '%v',
                'H' => '%H',
                'h' => '%h',
                'i' => '%i',
                's' => '%%s',
                'A' => '%p',
            $format = strtr($format, $replace);
            return "DATE_FORMAT({$field}, '{$format}')";
        case 'pgsql':
            $replace = array(
                'Y' => 'YYYY',
                'y' => 'YY',
                'M' => 'Mon',
                'm' => 'MM',
                'n' => 'MM',
                // no format for Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros
'F' => 'Month',
                'D' => 'Dy',
                'd' => 'DD',
                'l' => 'Day',
                'j' => 'DD',
                // no format for Day of the month without leading zeros
'W' => 'WW',
                'H' => 'HH24',
                'h' => 'HH12',
                'i' => 'MI',
                's' => 'SS',
                'A' => 'AM',
            $format = strtr($format, $replace);
            return "TO_CHAR({$field}, '{$format}')";