function views_object_cache_get

Get an object from the non-volatile Views cache.

This function caches in memory as well, so that multiple calls to this will not result in multiple database reads.


$obj: A 32 character or less string to define what kind of object is being stored; primarily this is used to prevent collisions.

$name: The name of the view (or other object) being stored.

$skip_cache: Skip the memory cache, meaning this must be read from the db again.

Return value

The data that was cached.

Related topics

1 call to views_object_cache_get()
views_ui_cache_load in ./views_ui.module
Specialized menu callback to load a view either out of the cache or just load it.


includes/, line 231


function views_object_cache_get($obj, $name, $skip_cache = FALSE) {
    static $cache = array();
    $key = "{$obj}:{$name}";
    if ($skip_cache) {
    if (!array_key_exists($key, $cache)) {
        $data = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {views_object_cache} WHERE sid = '%s' AND obj = '%s' AND name = '%s'", session_id(), $obj, $name));
        if ($data) {
            $cache[$key] = unserialize($data->data);
    return isset($cache[$key]) ? $cache[$key] : NULL;