function views_ui_build_identifier

Same name in other branches
  1. 7.x-3.x includes/ \views_ui_build_identifier()

Build a form identifier that we can use to see if one form is the same as another. Since the arguments differ slightly we do a lot of spiffy concenation here.

2 calls to views_ui_build_identifier()
views_ui_add_form_to_stack in includes/
Add another form to the stack; clicking 'update' will go to this form rather than closing the ajax pad.
views_ui_ajax_form in includes/
Generic entry point to handle forms.


includes/, line 1652


function views_ui_build_identifier($key, $view, $display_id, $args) {
    $form = views_ui_ajax_forms($key);
    // Automatically remove the single-form cache if it exists and
    // does not match the key.
    $identifier = implode('-', array(
    foreach ($form['args'] as $id) {
        $arg = !empty($args) ? array_shift($args) : NULL;
        $identifier .= '-' . $arg;
    return $identifier;