function views_ui_add_item_form_submit

Same name in other branches
  1. 6.x-3.x includes/ \views_ui_add_item_form_submit()

Submit handler for adding new item(s) to a view.

1 string reference to 'views_ui_add_item_form_submit'
views_ui_add_item_form in includes/
Form to add_item items in the views UI.


includes/, line 4308


function views_ui_add_item_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
    $type = $form_state['type'];
    $types = views_object_types();
    $section = $types[$type]['plural'];
    // Handle the override select.
    list($was_defaulted, $is_defaulted) = views_ui_standard_override_values($form, $form_state);
    if ($was_defaulted && !$is_defaulted) {
        // We were using the default display's values, but we're now overriding
        // the default display and saving values specific to this display.
        $display =& $form_state['view']->display[$form_state['display_id']];
        // set_override toggles the override of this section.
    elseif (!$was_defaulted && $is_defaulted) {
        // We used to have an override for this display, but the user now wants
        // to go back to the default display.
        // Overwrite the default display with the current form values, and make
        // the current display use the new default values.
        $display =& $form_state['view']->display[$form_state['display_id']];
        // options_override toggles the override of this section.
    if (!empty($form_state['values']['name']) && is_array($form_state['values']['name'])) {
        // Loop through each of the items that were checked and add them to the
        // view.
        foreach (array_keys(array_filter($form_state['values']['name'])) as $field) {
            list($table, $field) = explode('.', $field, 2);
            if ($cut = strpos($field, '$')) {
                $field = substr($field, 0, $cut);
            $id = $form_state['view']->add_item($form_state['display_id'], $type, $table, $field);
            // Check to see if we have group by settings.
            $key = $type;
            // Footer,header and empty text have a different internal handler type
            // (area).
            if (isset($types[$type]['type'])) {
                $key = $types[$type]['type'];
            $handler = views_get_handler($table, $field, $key);
            if ($form_state['view']->display_handler
                ->use_group_by() && $handler->use_group_by()) {
                views_ui_add_form_to_stack('config-item-group', $form_state['view'], $form_state['display_id'], array(
            // Check to see if this type has settings, if so add the settings form
            // first.
            if ($handler && $handler->has_extra_options()) {
                views_ui_add_form_to_stack('config-item-extra', $form_state['view'], $form_state['display_id'], array(
            // Then add the form to the stack.
            views_ui_add_form_to_stack('config-item', $form_state['view'], $form_state['display_id'], array(
    if (isset($form_state['view']->form_cache)) {
    // Store in cache.