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drupal_validate_form_new function includes/ The original version of drupal_validate_form does not have an override for
the static check to only validate a form id once. Unfortunately, we need
to be able to overridet his.
hook_views_form_validate function docs/docs.php Views form (View with form elements) validate handler.
Called for all steps ($form_state['storage']['step']) of the multistep form.
view::validate function includes/ Make sure the view is completely valid.
Views' argument validate plugins group plugins/ Allow specialized methods of validating arguments.
views_exposed_form_validate function ./views.module Validate handler for exposed filters
views_form_validate function ./views.module The basic form validate handler.
Fires the hook_views_form_validate() function.
views_form_views_form_validate function ./views.module Validate handler for the first step of the views form.
Calls any existing views_form_validate functions located
on the views fields.
views_handler::exposed_validate function includes/ Validate the exposed handler form
views_handler::expose_validate function includes/ Validate the options form.
views_handler::extra_options_validate function includes/ Validate the options form.
views_handler::options_validate function includes/ Validate the options form.
views_handler::validate function includes/ Validates the handler against the complete View.
views_handler_argument::options_validate function handlers/ Validate the options form.
views_handler_argument::validate_arg function handlers/ Validate that this argument works. By default, all arguments are valid.
views_handler_argument::validate_argument function handlers/ Called by the menu system to validate an argument.
views_handler_argument::validate_argument_basic function handlers/ Provide a basic argument validation.
views_handler_argument::validate_fail function handlers/ How to act if validation failes
views_handler_argument_null::validate_argument_basic function handlers/ Provide a basic argument validation.
views_handler_field_serialized::options_validate function handlers/ Validate the options form.
views_handler_filter::expose_validate function handlers/ Validate the options form.
views_handler_filter::operator_validate function handlers/ Validate the operator form.
views_handler_filter::options_validate function handlers/ Simple validate handler
views_handler_filter::value_validate function handlers/ Validate the options form.
views_handler_filter_boolean_operator::value_validate function handlers/ Validate the options form.
views_handler_filter_date::exposed_validate function handlers/ Validate the exposed handler form
views_handler_filter_date::options_validate function handlers/ Simple validate handler
views_handler_filter_date::validate_valid_time function handlers/ Validate that the time values convert to something usable.
views_handler_filter_in_operator::validate function handlers/ Validates the handler against the complete View.
views_handler_filter_search::exposed_validate function modules/search/ Validate the options form.
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid::exposed_validate function modules/taxonomy/ Validate the exposed handler form
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid::validate_term_strings function modules/taxonomy/ Validate the user string. Since this can come from either the form
or the exposed filter, this is abstracted out a bit so it can
handle the multiple input sources.
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid::value_validate function modules/taxonomy/ Validate the options form.
views_handler_filter_user_name::exposed_validate function modules/user/ Validate the exposed handler form
views_handler_filter_user_name::validate_user_strings function modules/user/ Validate the user string. Since this can come from either the form
or the exposed filter, this is abstracted out a bit so it can
handle the multiple input sources.
views_handler_filter_user_name::value_validate function modules/user/ Validate the options form.
views_handler_sort::options_validate function handlers/ Simple validate handler
views_handler_sort::sort_validate function handlers/
views_invalidate_cache function ./views.module Invalidate the views cache, forcing a rebuild on the next grab of table data.
views_plugin::options_validate function includes/ Validate the options form.
views_plugin::validate function includes/ Validate that the plugin is correct and can be saved.
views_plugin_access::options_validate function plugins/ Provide the default form form for validating options
views_plugin_access_role::options_validate function plugins/ Provide the default form form for validating options
views_plugin_argument_default::options_validate function plugins/ Provide the default form form for validating options
views_plugin_argument_validate class plugins/ Base argument validator plugin to provide basic functionality. file plugins/ Contains the base argument validator plugin.
views_plugin_argument_validate::access function plugins/ Determine if the administrator has the privileges to use this plugin
views_plugin_argument_validate::check_access function plugins/ If we don't have access to the form but are showing it anyway, ensure that
the form is safe and cannot be changed from user input.
views_plugin_argument_validate::convert_options function plugins/ Convert options from the older style.
views_plugin_argument_validate::init function plugins/ Initialize this plugin with the view and the argument
it is linked to.
views_plugin_argument_validate::options_form function plugins/ Provide the default form for setting options.