Search for options

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Title Object type File name Summary
views_handler_filter_search::operator_options function modules/search/ Provide a list of options for the default operator form.
Should be overridden by classes that don't override operator_form
views_handler_filter_string::operator_options function handlers/ Build strings from the operators() for 'select' options
views_handler_filter_string::options_form function handlers/ Provide the basic form which calls through to subforms.
If overridden, it is best to call through to the parent,
or to at least make sure all of the functions in this form
are called.
views_handler_filter_system_type::get_value_options function modules/system/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid::extra_options_form function modules/taxonomy/ Provide a form for setting options.
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid::get_value_options function modules/taxonomy/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid::has_extra_options function modules/taxonomy/ If a handler has 'extra options' it will get a little settings widget and
another form called extra_options.
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid_depth::extra_options_form function modules/taxonomy/ Provide a form for setting options.
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid_depth::operator_options function modules/taxonomy/ Build strings from the operators() for 'select' options
views_handler_filter_user_name::get_value_options function modules/user/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_user_roles::get_value_options function modules/user/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_vocabulary_vid::get_value_options function modules/taxonomy/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_relationship::options_form function handlers/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_relationship_broken::options_form function handlers/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_relationship_node_term_data::options_form function modules/taxonomy/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_relationship_translation::options_form function modules/translation/ Add a translation selector.
views_handler_sort::expose_options function handlers/ Provide default options for exposed sorts.
views_handler_sort::options_form function handlers/ Basic options for all sort criteria
views_handler_sort::options_submit function handlers/ Simple submit handler
views_handler_sort::options_validate function handlers/ Simple validate handler
views_handler_sort::sort_options function handlers/ Provide a list of options for the default sort form.
Should be overridden by classes that don't override sort_form
views_handler_sort_broken::options_form function handlers/ Basic options for all sort criteria
views_handler_sort_date::options_form function handlers/ Basic options for all sort criteria
views_handler_sort_menu_hierarchy::options_form function handlers/ Basic options for all sort criteria
views_handler_sort_random::options_form function handlers/ Basic options for all sort criteria
views_many_to_one_helper::options_form function includes/
views_object::$options property includes/ Except for displays, options for the object will be held here.
views_object::export_options function includes/
views_object::options function includes/ Set default options on this object. Called by the constructor in a
complex chain to deal with backward compatibility.
views_object::set_default_options function includes/ Set default options.
For backward compatibility, it sends the options array; this is a
feature that will likely disappear at some point.
views_object::unpack_options function includes/ Unpack options over our existing defaults, drilling down into arrays
so that defaults don't get totally blown away.
views_plugin::options_form function includes/ Provide a form to edit options for this plugin.
views_plugin::options_submit function includes/ Handle any special handling on the validate form.
views_plugin::options_validate function includes/ Validate the options form.
views_plugin_access::options_form function plugins/ Provide the default form for setting options.
views_plugin_access::options_submit function plugins/ Provide the default form form for submitting options
views_plugin_access::options_validate function plugins/ Provide the default form form for validating options
views_plugin_access_perm::options_form function plugins/ Provide the default form for setting options.
views_plugin_access_role::options_form function plugins/ Provide the default form for setting options.
views_plugin_access_role::options_submit function plugins/ Provide the default form form for submitting options
views_plugin_access_role::options_validate function plugins/ Provide the default form form for validating options
views_plugin_argument_default::convert_options function plugins/ Convert options from the older style.
views_plugin_argument_default::options_form function plugins/ Provide the default form for setting options.
views_plugin_argument_default::options_submit function plugins/ Provide the default form form for submitting options
views_plugin_argument_default::options_validate function plugins/ Provide the default form form for validating options
views_plugin_argument_default_fixed::convert_options function plugins/ Convert options from the older style.
views_plugin_argument_default_fixed::options_form function plugins/ Provide the default form for setting options.
views_plugin_argument_default_php::convert_options function plugins/ Convert options from the older style.
views_plugin_argument_default_php::options_form function plugins/ Provide the default form for setting options.
views_plugin_argument_default_raw::options_form function plugins/ Provide the default form for setting options.