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Title Object type File name Summary
views_handler_field_node_link::options_form function modules/node/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_node_new_comments::options_form function modules/comment/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_node_path::options_form function modules/node/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_node_revision::options_form function modules/node/ Provide link to revision option.
views_handler_field_node_type::options_form function modules/node/ Provide machine_name option for to node type display.
views_handler_field_numeric::options_form function handlers/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_prerender_list::options_form function handlers/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_profile_date::options_form function modules/profile/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_search_score::options_form function modules/search/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_serialized::options_form function handlers/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_serialized::options_validate function handlers/ Validate the options form.
views_handler_field_taxonomy::options_form function modules/taxonomy/ Provide link to taxonomy option
views_handler_field_term_link_edit::options_form function modules/taxonomy/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_term_node_tid::options_form function modules/taxonomy/ Provide "link to term" option.
views_handler_field_time_interval::options_form function handlers/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_upload_description::options_form function modules/upload/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_upload_fid::options_form function modules/upload/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_url::options_form function handlers/ Provide link to the page being visited.
views_handler_field_user::options_form function modules/user/ Provide link to node option
views_handler_field_user_link::options_form function modules/user/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_field_user_mail::options_form function modules/user/ Provide link to node option
views_handler_field_user_name::options_form function modules/user/ Provide link to node option
views_handler_field_user_picture::options_form function modules/user/ Default options form that provides the label widget that all fields
should have.
views_handler_filter::expose_options function handlers/ Provide default options for exposed filters.
views_handler_filter::operator_options function handlers/ Provide a list of options for the default operator form.
Should be overridden by classes that don't override operator_form
views_handler_filter::options_form function handlers/ Provide the basic form which calls through to subforms.
If overridden, it is best to call through to the parent,
or to at least make sure all of the functions in this form
are called.
views_handler_filter::options_submit function handlers/ Simple submit handler
views_handler_filter::options_validate function handlers/ Simple validate handler
views_handler_filter_aggregator_category_cid::get_value_options function modules/aggregator/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_boolean_operator::expose_options function handlers/ Provide default options for exposed filters.
views_handler_filter_boolean_operator::get_value_options function handlers/ Return the possible options for this filter.
views_handler_filter_broken::options_form function handlers/ Provide the basic form which calls through to subforms.
If overridden, it is best to call through to the parent,
or to at least make sure all of the functions in this form
are called.
views_handler_filter_date::options_validate function handlers/ Simple validate handler
views_handler_filter_equality::operator_options function handlers/ Provide simple equality operator
views_handler_filter_file_status::get_value_options function modules/system/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_in_operator::$value_options property handlers/ Stores all operations which are available on the form.
views_handler_filter_in_operator::expose_options function handlers/ Provide default options for exposed filters.
views_handler_filter_in_operator::get_value_options function handlers/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_in_operator::operator_options function handlers/ Build strings from the operators() for 'select' options
views_handler_filter_in_operator::reduce_value_options function handlers/ When using exposed filters, we may be required to reduce the set.
views_handler_filter_locale_group::get_value_options function modules/locale/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_locale_language::get_value_options function modules/locale/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_locale_version::get_value_options function modules/locale/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_node_comment::get_value_options function modules/comment/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_node_language::get_value_options function modules/translation/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_node_tnid::operator_options function modules/translation/ Provide a list of options for the default operator form.
Should be overridden by classes that don't override operator_form
views_handler_filter_node_type::get_value_options function modules/node/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.
views_handler_filter_numeric::operator_options function handlers/ Provide a list of all the numeric operators
views_handler_filter_numeric::options_form function handlers/ Provide the basic form which calls through to subforms.
If overridden, it is best to call through to the parent,
or to at least make sure all of the functions in this form
are called.
views_handler_filter_profile_selection::get_value_options function modules/profile/ Child classes should be used to override this function and set the
'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function
or static public method to generate these values.