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Title Object type File name Summary
drupal_build_form function ./views.module Views' replacement for drupal_get_form so that we can do more with
drupal_rebuild_form_new function includes/ Views' replacement of drupal_rebuild_form.
hook_views_post_build function docs/docs.php This hook is called right after the build process. The query is
now fully built, but it has not yet been run through db_rewrite_sql.
hook_views_pre_build function docs/docs.php This hook is called right before the build process, but after displays
are attached and the display performs its pre_execute phase.
view::$build_info property includes/
view::build function includes/ Build the query for the view.
view::build_title function includes/ Force the view to build a title.
view::_build function includes/ Internal method to build an individual set of handlers.
view::_build_arguments function includes/ Build all the arguments.
views_plugin_query::build function plugins/ Builds the necessary info to execute the query.
views_plugin_query_default::build function plugins/ Builds the necessary info to execute the query.
views_plugin_style::build_sort function plugins/ Called by the view builder to see if this style handler wants to
interfere with the sorts. If so it should build; if it returns
any non-TRUE value, normal sorting will NOT be added to the query.
views_plugin_style::build_sort_post function plugins/ Called by the view builder to let the style build a second set of
sorts that will come after any other sorts in the view.
views_plugin_style_table::build_sort function plugins/ Determine if we should provide sorting based upon $_GET inputs
views_plugin_style_table::build_sort_post function plugins/ Add our actual sort criteria
views_ui_build_form_state function includes/ Build up a $form_state object suitable for use with drupal_build_form
based on known information about a form.
views_ui_build_form_url function includes/ Create the URL for one of our standard AJAX forms based upon known
information about the form.
views_ui_build_identifier function includes/ Build a form identifier that we can use to see if one form
is the same as another. Since the arguments differ slightly
we do a lot of spiffy concenation here.
_drupal_build_form function includes/ @file
Views' replacements for Drupal's form functions.