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namespace Drupal\Tests\rules\Unit;

use Drupal\rules\Context\ExecutionStateInterface;
use Drupal\rules\Engine\ConditionExpressionInterface;
use Drupal\rules\Engine\ExpressionManagerInterface;
use Drupal\rules\Plugin\RulesExpression\ActionSetExpression;
use Drupal\rules\Plugin\RulesExpression\RuleExpression;
use Drupal\rules\Plugin\RulesExpression\ActionExpression;
use Drupal\rules\Plugin\RulesExpression\AndExpression;
use Drupal\rules\Plugin\RulesExpression\OrExpression;
use Prophecy\Argument;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\rules\Plugin\RulesExpression\RuleExpression
 * @group Rules
class RuleExpressionTest extends RulesUnitTestBase {
     * The rules expression plugin manager.
     * @var \Drupal\rules\Engine\ExpressionManagerInterface|\Prophecy\Prophecy\ProphecyInterface
    protected $expressionManager;
     * The rule being tested.
     * @var \Drupal\rules\Engine\RuleExpressionInterface
    protected $rule;
     * The primary condition container of the rule.
     * @var \Drupal\rules\Engine\ConditionExpressionContainerInterface
    protected $conditions;
     * The primary action container of the rule.
     * @var \Drupal\rules\Engine\ActionExpressionContainerInterface
    protected $actions;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() : void {
        $this->expressionManager = $this->prophesize(ExpressionManagerInterface::class);
        $this->conditions = new AndExpression([], 'rules_and', [
            'label' => 'Condition set (AND)',
        ], $this->expressionManager
            ->reveal(), $this->rulesDebugLogger
            ->createInstance('rules_and', [])
        $this->actions = new ActionSetExpression([], 'rules_action_set', [], $this->expressionManager
            ->reveal(), $this->rulesDebugLogger
            ->createInstance('rules_action_set', [])
        $this->rule = new RuleExpression([], 'rules_rule', [
            'label' => 'Rule',
        ], $this->expressionManager
            ->reveal(), $this->rulesDebugLogger
     * Tests that a rule is constructed with condition and action containers.
     * @covers ::__construct
    public function testContainersOnConstruct() {
        $this->assertSame($this->conditions, $this->rule
        $this->assertSame($this->actions, $this->rule
     * Tests the condition container setter and getter.
     * @covers ::setConditions
     * @covers ::getConditions
    public function testSetConditionsGetConditions() {
        $or = new OrExpression([], 'rules_or', [
            'label' => 'Condition set (OR)',
        ], $this->expressionManager
            ->reveal(), $this->rulesDebugLogger
        $this->assertSame($or, $this->rule
        $and = new AndExpression([], 'rules_and', [
            'label' => 'Condition set (AND)',
        ], $this->expressionManager
            ->reveal(), $this->rulesDebugLogger
        $this->assertSame($and, $this->rule
     * Tests the condition container setter and getter.
     * @covers ::setActions
     * @covers ::getActions
    public function testSetActionsGetActions() {
        $action_set = new ActionSetExpression([], '', [], $this->expressionManager
            ->reveal(), $this->rulesDebugLogger
        $this->assertSame($action_set, $this->rule
     * Tests that an action fires if a condition passes.
     * @covers ::execute
    public function testActionExecution() {
        // The method on the test action must be called once.
     * Tests that an action does not fire if a condition fails.
     * @covers ::execute
    public function testConditionFails() {
        // The execute method on the action must never be called.
     * Tests that an action fires if a condition passes.
     * @covers ::execute
    public function testTwoConditionsTrue() {
        // The method on the test action must be called once.
        $second_condition = $this->prophesize(ConditionExpressionInterface::class);
     * Tests that an action does not fire if a condition fails.
     * @covers ::execute
    public function testTwoConditionsFalse() {
        // The execute method on the action must never be called.
     * Tests that nested rules are properly executed.
     * @covers ::execute
    public function testNestedRules() {
        $nested = new RuleExpression([], 'rules_rule', [
            'label' => 'Rule',
        ], $this->expressionManager
            ->reveal(), $this->rulesDebugLogger
        // We need to replace the action and condition container to not have the
        // same instances as in the outer rule.
        $nested->setConditions(new AndExpression([], 'rules_and', [
            'label' => 'Condition set (AND)',
        ], $this->expressionManager
            ->reveal(), $this->rulesDebugLogger
        $nested->setActions(new ActionSetExpression([], 'rules_action_set', [], $this->expressionManager
            ->reveal(), $this->rulesDebugLogger
     * Tests that a nested expression can be retrieved by UUID.
    public function testLookupExpression() {
        // Test Conditions.
        $uuid = $this->trueConditionExpression
            ->reveal(), $this->rule
        // Test actions.
        $uuid = $this->testActionExpression
            ->reveal(), $this->rule
            ->getExpression('invalid UUID'));
     * Tests that removing expressions by indices works.
    public function testDeletingExpressions() {
        // Create a rule with 2 conditions and 2 actions.
        $second_action = $this->prophesize(ActionExpression::class);
        // Delete the first action.
        $uuid = $this->testActionExpression
        $this->assertCount(2, $this->rule
        $this->assertCount(1, $this->rule
        // Delete the second condition.
        $uuid = $this->falseConditionExpression
        $this->assertCount(1, $this->rule
        $this->assertCount(1, $this->rule
        // Delete the remaining action.
        $uuid = $second_action->reveal()
        $this->assertCount(1, $this->rule
        $this->assertCount(0, $this->rule
        // Delete the remaining condition, rule should be empty now.
        $uuid = $this->trueConditionExpression
        $this->assertCount(0, $this->rule
        $this->assertCount(0, $this->rule



Title Deprecated Summary
RuleExpressionTest @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\rules\Plugin\RulesExpression\RuleExpression @group Rules