class TextComparison

Provides a 'Text comparison' condition.

Plugin annotation

  id = "rules_text_comparison",
  label = @Translation("Text comparison"),
  category = @Translation("Data"),
  context_definitions = {
    "text" = @ContextDefinition("string",
      label = @Translation("Text"),
      description = @Translation("Specifies the text data to evaluate."),
      assignment_restriction = "selector"
    "operator" = @ContextDefinition("string",
      label = @Translation("Operator"),
      description = @Translation("The comparison operator. One of 'contains', 'starts', 'ends', or 'regex'. Defaults to 'contains'."),
      options_provider = "\Drupal\rules\TypedData\Options\ComparisonOperatorTextOptions",
      assignment_restriction = "input",
      default_value = "contains",
      required = FALSE
    "match" = @ContextDefinition("string",
      label = @Translation("Matching text"),
      description = @Translation("A string (or pattern in the case of regex) to search for in the given text data.")


Expanded class hierarchy of TextComparison


src/Plugin/Condition/TextComparison.php, line 35


View source
class TextComparison extends RulesConditionBase {
     * Evaluate the text comparison.
     * @param string $text
     *   The supplied text string.
     * @param string $operator
     *   Text comparison operator. One of:
     *   - contains: (default) Evaluate if $text contains $match.
     *   - starts: Evaluate if $text starts with $match.
     *   - ends: Evaluate if $text ends with $match.
     *   - regex: Evaluate if a regular expression in $match matches $text.
     *   Values that do not match one of these operators default to "contains".
     * @param string $match
     *   The string to be compared against $text.
     * @return bool
     *   The evaluation of the condition.
    protected function doEvaluate($text, $operator, $match) {
        $operator = $operator ? $operator : 'contains';
        switch ($operator) {
            case 'starts':
                return strpos($text, $match) === 0;
            case 'ends':
                return strrpos($text, $match) === strlen($text) - strlen($match);
            case 'regex':
                return (bool) preg_match('/' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $match) . '/', $text);
            case 'contains':
                // Default operator "contains".
                return strpos($text, $match) !== FALSE;



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overriden Title Overrides
ConditionPluginBase::$executableManager protected property The condition manager to proxy execute calls through.
ConditionPluginBase::buildConfigurationForm public function Form constructor. Overrides PluginFormInterface::buildConfigurationForm 6
ConditionPluginBase::calculateDependencies public function Calculates dependencies for the configured plugin. Overrides DependentPluginInterface::calculateDependencies
ConditionPluginBase::defaultConfiguration public function Gets default configuration for this plugin. Overrides ConfigurableInterface::defaultConfiguration 6
ConditionPluginBase::execute public function Executes the plugin. Overrides ExecutableInterface::execute
ConditionPluginBase::getConfiguration public function Gets this plugin's configuration. Overrides ConfigurableInterface::getConfiguration
ConditionPluginBase::isNegated public function Determines whether condition result will be negated. Overrides ConditionInterface::isNegated
ConditionPluginBase::setConfiguration public function Sets the configuration for this plugin instance. Overrides ConfigurableInterface::setConfiguration
ConditionPluginBase::setExecutableManager public function Sets the executable manager class. Overrides ConditionInterface::setExecutableManager
ConditionPluginBase::submitConfigurationForm public function Form submission handler. Overrides PluginFormInterface::submitConfigurationForm 6
ConditionPluginBase::validateConfigurationForm public function Form validation handler. Overrides PluginFormInterface::validateConfigurationForm
ConditionPluginBase::__construct public function 5
ConfigurationAccessControlTrait::checkConfigurationAccess public function Checks configuration permission.
ContextAwarePluginAssignmentTrait::addContextAssignmentElement protected function Builds a form element for assigning a context to a given slot.
ContextAwarePluginAssignmentTrait::contextHandler protected function Wraps the context handler.
ContextAwarePluginAssignmentTrait::t abstract protected function Ensures the t() method is available.
ContextAwarePluginTrait::$context protected property The data objects representing the context of this plugin.
ContextAwarePluginTrait::$initializedContextConfig protected property Tracks whether the context has been initialized from configuration.
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getCacheContexts public function 9
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getCacheMaxAge public function 7
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getCacheTags public function 4
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getContext public function
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getContextDefinition public function
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getContextDefinitions public function
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getContextMapping public function
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getContexts public function
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getContextValues public function
ContextAwarePluginTrait::getPluginDefinition abstract public function 1
ContextAwarePluginTrait::setContext public function 1
ContextAwarePluginTrait::setContextMapping public function
ContextAwarePluginTrait::setContextValue public function
ContextAwarePluginTrait::validateContexts public function
ContextProviderTrait::$providedContext protected property The data objects that are provided by this plugin.
ContextProviderTrait::getProvidedContext public function
ContextProviderTrait::getProvidedContextDefinition public function
ContextProviderTrait::getProvidedContextDefinitions public function
ContextProviderTrait::setProvidedValue public function
ContextProviderTrait::upcastEntityId public function Upcasts an entity id to a full entity object.
ExecutablePluginBase::getConfig public function Gets all configuration values.
ExecutablePluginBase::getConfigDefinition public function Gets the definition of a configuration option.
ExecutablePluginBase::getConfigDefinitions public function Gets an array of definitions of available configuration options.
ExecutablePluginBase::setConfig public function Sets the value of a particular configuration option.
ExecutablePluginTrait::getLabelValue protected function Get the translated label from the plugin definition.
ExecutablePluginTrait::summary public function Get the translated summary from the label annotation. 4
PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginId public function Gets the plugin_id of the plugin instance. 2
RulesConditionBase::assertMetadata public function Asserts additional metadata for the selected data. Overrides ContextAwarePluginInterface::assertMetadata 1
RulesConditionBase::evaluate public function Evaluates the condition and returns TRUE or FALSE accordingly. Overrides ConditionInterface::evaluate 5
RulesConditionBase::getContextValue public function Gets the value for a defined context. Overrides ContextAwarePluginTrait::getContextValue
RulesConditionBase::negate public function Negates the result after evaluating this condition. Overrides RulesConditionInterface::negate
RulesConditionBase::refineContextDefinitions public function Refines used and provided context definitions based upon context values. Overrides ContextAwarePluginInterface::refineContextDefinitions 1
TextComparison::doEvaluate protected function Evaluate the text comparison.