class RulesTaxonomyVocabularyWrapper

A custom wrapper class for vocabularies.

This class is capable of loading vocabularies by machine name.


Expanded class hierarchy of RulesTaxonomyVocabularyWrapper

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1 string reference to 'RulesTaxonomyVocabularyWrapper'
rules_rules_core_data_info in modules/
Implements hook_rules_data_info() on behalf of the pseudo rules_core module.


modules/, line 253

View source
class RulesTaxonomyVocabularyWrapper extends EntityDrupalWrapper {
     * Overridden to support identifying vocabularies by machine names.
    protected function setEntity($data) {
        if (isset($data) && $data !== FALSE && !is_object($data) && !is_numeric($data)) {
            // The vocabulary name has been passed.
        else {
     * Overridden to permit machine names as values.
    public function validate($value) {
        if (isset($value) && is_string($value)) {
            return TRUE;
        return parent::validate($value);



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary
RulesTaxonomyVocabularyWrapper::setEntity protected function Overridden to support identifying vocabularies by machine names.
RulesTaxonomyVocabularyWrapper::validate public function Overridden to permit machine names as values.