class RulesNumericOffsetProcessor

A data processor for applying numerical offsets.


Expanded class hierarchy of RulesNumericOffsetProcessor

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rules_rules_core_data_processor_info in modules/
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modules/, line 213

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class RulesNumericOffsetProcessor extends RulesDataProcessor {
     * Overrides RulesDataProcessor::form().
    protected static function form($settings, $var_info) {
        $settings += array(
            'value' => '',
        $form = array(
            '#type' => 'fieldset',
            '#title' => t('Add offset'),
            '#collapsible' => TRUE,
            '#collapsed' => empty($settings['value']),
            '#description' => t('Add an offset to the selected number. E.g. an offset of "1" adds 1 to the number before it is passed on as argument.'),
        $form['value'] = array(
            '#type' => 'textfield',
            '#title' => t('Offset'),
            '#description' => t('Note that you can also specify negative numbers.'),
            '#default_value' => $settings['value'],
            '#element_validate' => array(
            '#weight' => 5,
        return $form;
     * Overrides RulesDataProcessor::process().
    public function process($value, $info, RulesState $state, RulesPlugin $element) {
        $value = isset($this->processor) ? $this->processor
            ->process($value, $info, $state, $element) : $value;
        return $value + $this->setting['value'];



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overriden Title Overrides
RulesDataProcessor::$processor protected property Allows chaining processors. If set, the next processor to invoke.
RulesDataProcessor::$setting protected property The processors' setting value.
RulesDataProcessor::access public static function Return whether the current user has permission to use the processor. 1
RulesDataProcessor::attachForm public static function Attaches the form of applicable data processors. 1
RulesDataProcessor::dependencies public function Returns an array of modules which we depend on.
RulesDataProcessor::editAccess public function Determines whether the current user has permission to edit this chain of
data processors.
RulesDataProcessor::getChainSettings public function Gets the settings array for this and all contained chained processors.
RulesDataProcessor::getPreparedValue protected function Return $this or skip this processor by returning the next processor. 1
RulesDataProcessor::getSetting public function Gets the settings of this processor.
RulesDataProcessor::prepareSetting public static function Prepares the processor for parameters. 1
RulesDataProcessor::processors public static function Returns defined data processors applicable for the given parameter. 1
RulesDataProcessor::unchain protected function
RulesDataProcessor::_item_sort public static function
RulesDataProcessor::__construct protected function Constructor. 1
RulesNumericOffsetProcessor::form protected static function Overrides RulesDataProcessor::form(). Overrides RulesDataProcessor::form
RulesNumericOffsetProcessor::process public function Overrides RulesDataProcessor::process(). Overrides RulesDataProcessor::process