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RulesComponentActionTest::testAutosaveOnlyOnce function tests/src/Unit/Integration/RulesAction/RulesComponentActionTest.php Tests that auto saving is only triggered once with nested components.
RulesComponentAddForm::save function src/Form/RulesComponentAddForm.php Form submission handler for the 'save' action.
RulesComponentEditForm::save function src/Form/RulesComponentEditForm.php Form submission handler for the 'save' action.
rules_entity_presave function ./rules.module Implements hook_entity_presave().
TestNodeAction::autoSaveContext function tests/modules/rules_test/src/Plugin/RulesAction/TestNodeAction.php Returns a list of context names that should be auto-saved after execution.
TestSessionBase::save function tests/src/Unit/TestSessionBase.php
UserBlock::$saveLater property src/Plugin/RulesAction/UserBlock.php Flag that indicates if the entity should be auto-saved later.
UserBlock::autoSaveContext function src/Plugin/RulesAction/UserBlock.php Returns a list of context names that should be auto-saved after execution.
UserRoleAdd::$saveLater property src/Plugin/RulesAction/UserRoleAdd.php Flag that indicates if the entity should be auto-saved later.
UserRoleAdd::autoSaveContext function src/Plugin/RulesAction/UserRoleAdd.php Returns a list of context names that should be auto-saved after execution.
UserRoleAddTest::testAddOneRoleNoSave function tests/src/Unit/Integration/RulesAction/UserRoleAddTest.php Tests adding of one role to user. User should not be saved.
UserRoleRemove::$saveLater property src/Plugin/RulesAction/UserRoleRemove.php Flag that indicates if the entity should be auto-saved later.
UserRoleRemove::autoSaveContext function src/Plugin/RulesAction/UserRoleRemove.php Returns a list of context names that should be auto-saved after execution.
UserRoleRemoveTest::testRemoveExistingRoleNoSave function tests/src/Unit/Integration/RulesAction/UserRoleRemoveTest.php Tests removing role from user. User should not be saved.
UserUnblock::$saveLater property src/Plugin/RulesAction/UserUnblock.php Flag that indicates if the entity should be auto-saved later.
UserUnblock::autoSaveContext function src/Plugin/RulesAction/UserUnblock.php Returns a list of context names that should be auto-saved after execution.