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namespace Drupal\Tests\rules\Unit\Integration\RulesAction;

use Drupal\Tests\rules\Unit\Integration\RulesEntityIntegrationTestBase;
use Drupal\user\RoleInterface;
use Drupal\user\UserInterface;
use Prophecy\Argument;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\rules\Plugin\RulesAction\UserRoleAdd
 * @group RulesAction
class UserRoleAddTest extends RulesEntityIntegrationTestBase {
     * The action that is being tested.
     * @var \Drupal\rules\Core\RulesActionInterface
    protected $action;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() : void {
        $this->action = $this->actionManager
     * Tests the summary.
     * @covers ::summary
    public function testSummary() {
        $this->assertEquals('Add user role', $this->action
     * Tests adding of one role to user. User should not be saved.
     * @covers ::execute
    public function testAddOneRoleNoSave() {
        // Set-up a mock user.
        $account = $this->prophesizeEntity(UserInterface::class);
        // We do not expect to call the 'save' method because the user should be
        // auto-saved later.
        // Mock the 'administrator' user role.
        $administrator = $this->prophesize(RoleInterface::class);
        // Test adding of one role.
            ->setContextValue('user', $account->reveal())
            ->setContextValue('roles', [
            ->autoSaveContext(), [
        ], 'Action returns the user context name for auto saving.');
     * Tests adding of three roles to user.
     * @covers ::execute
    public function testAddThreeRoles() {
        // Set-up a mock user.
        $account = $this->prophesizeEntity(UserInterface::class);
        // Mock hasRole.
        // Mock addRole.
        // Mock user roles.
        $manager = $this->prophesize(RoleInterface::class);
        $editor = $this->prophesize(RoleInterface::class);
        $administrator = $this->prophesize(RoleInterface::class);
        // Test adding of three roles.
            ->setContextValue('user', $account->reveal())
            ->setContextValue('roles', [
            ->autoSaveContext(), [
        ], 'Action returns the user context name for auto saving.');
     * Tests adding of existing role to user.
     * @covers ::execute
    public function testAddExistingRole() {
        // Set-up a mock user with role 'administrator'.
        $account = $this->prophesizeEntity(UserInterface::class);
        // We do not expect a call of the 'addRole' method.
        // Mock the 'administrator' user role.
        $administrator = $this->prophesize(RoleInterface::class);
        // Test adding one role.
            ->setContextValue('user', $account->reveal())
            ->setContextValue('roles', [
            ->autoSaveContext(), [], 'Action returns nothing for auto saving since the user has the role already.');
     * Tests adding of one existing and one nonexistent role to user.
     * @covers ::execute
    public function testAddExistingAndNonexistentRole() {
        // Set-up a mock user with role 'administrator' but without 'editor'.
        $account = $this->prophesizeEntity(UserInterface::class);
        // We expect only one call of the 'addRole' method.
        // Mock user roles.
        $editor = $this->prophesize(RoleInterface::class);
        $administrator = $this->prophesize(RoleInterface::class);
        // Test adding one role.
            ->setContextValue('user', $account->reveal())
            ->setContextValue('roles', [
            ->autoSaveContext(), [
        ], 'Action returns the user context name for auto saving.');



Title Deprecated Summary
UserRoleAddTest @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\rules\Plugin\RulesAction\UserRoleAdd @group RulesAction