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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule class includes/ An actual rule.
rule function ./rules.module Creates a new rule.

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Title Object type File name Summary
RulesEventHandlerInterface::buildForm function includes/ Builds the event settings form.
RulesEventHandlerInterface::extractFormValues function includes/ Extract the form values and update the event settings.
RulesEventHandlerInterface::getDefaults function includes/ Returns an array of default settings.
RulesEventHandlerInterface::getEventInfo function includes/ Returns the info array of the event the event handler belongs to.
RulesEventHandlerInterface::getEventName function includes/ Returns the base name of the event the event handler belongs to.
RulesEventHandlerInterface::getEventNameSuffix function includes/ Returns the suffix to be added to the base event named based upon settings.
RulesEventHandlerInterface::getSettings function includes/ Gets the event settings.
RulesEventHandlerInterface::setSettings function includes/ Sets the event settings.
RulesEventHandlerInterface::summary function includes/ Returns a user-facing summary of the settings.
RulesEventHandlerInterface::validate function includes/ Validate the event settings independent from a form submission.
RulesEventHandlerInterface::__construct function includes/ Constructs the event handler.
RulesEventSet class includes/ This class is used for caching the rules to be evaluated per event.
RulesEventSet::$itemName property includes/
RulesEventSet::$recursion property includes/ Event sets may recurse as we block recursions on rule-level.
RulesEventSet::executeByArgs function includes/ Executes container with the given arguments.
RulesEventSet::rebuildEventCache function includes/ Rebuilds the event cache.
RulesEventSet::save function includes/ Do not save since this class is for caching purposes only.
RulesEventSet::stateVariables function includes/ Returns available state variables for an element.
RulesEventSet::__construct function includes/
RulesException class includes/ A base exception class for Rules.
RulesExtendable class includes/ Base class for RulesExtendables.
RulesExtendable::$cache property includes/
RulesExtendable::$hook property includes/ The name of the info definitions associated with info about this class.
RulesExtendable::$itemInfo property includes/
RulesExtendable::$itemName property includes/ The name of the item this class represents in the info hook.
RulesExtendable::facesAs function includes/
RulesExtendable::forceSetUp function includes/ Forces the object to be setUp, this executes setUp() if not done yet.
RulesExtendable::itemFacesAs function includes/ Returns whether the a RuleExtendable supports the given interface.
RulesExtendable::rebuildCache function includes/ Allows items to add something to the rules cache.
RulesExtendable::setUp function includes/
RulesExtendable::__call function includes/ Magic method: Invoke the dynamically implemented methods.
RulesExtendable::__construct function includes/
RulesFeaturesController class ./ Controller handling the features integration.
RulesFeaturesController::api function ./ Defines the result for hook_features_api().
RulesFeaturesController::export function ./ Generates the result for hook_features_export().
RulesI18nStringController class rules_i18n/ Rules i18n integration controller.
RulesI18nStringController::hook_object_info function rules_i18n/ Overridden to customize i18n object info.
RulesI18nStringController::menuBasePath function rules_i18n/ Provide the menu base path. We can provide only one though.
RulesI18nStringController::menuWildcard function rules_i18n/ Overridden to customize the used menu wildcard.
RulesI18nStringEvaluator class rules_i18n/ A class implementing a rules input evaluator processing tokens.
RulesI18nStringEvaluator::access function rules_i18n/ Access callback.
RulesI18nStringEvaluator::evaluate function rules_i18n/ Translate the value.
RulesI18nStringEvaluator::help function rules_i18n/ Overrides RulesDataInputEvaluator::help().
RulesI18nStringEvaluator::prepare function rules_i18n/ Overrides RulesDataInputEvaluator::prepare().
RulesI18nStringEvaluator::process function rules_i18n/ Prepare the i18n-context string.
RulesI18nStringObjectWrapper class rules_i18n/ Custom I18nString object wrapper; registers custom properties per config.
RulesI18nStringObjectWrapper::buildElementProperties function rules_i18n/ Adds in translatable properties of the given element.
RulesI18nStringObjectWrapper::build_properties function rules_i18n/ Get translatable properties.
RulesI18nTestCase class rules_i18n/rules_i18n.test Test the i18n integration.
RulesI18nTestCase::$admin_user property rules_i18n/rules_i18n.test