function RulesExtendable::__call

Magic method: Invoke the dynamically implemented methods.

11 calls to RulesExtendable::__call()
RulesAbstractPlugin::access in includes/
Whether the currently logged in user has access to all configured elements.
RulesAbstractPlugin::dependencies in includes/
Calculates an array of required modules.
RulesAbstractPlugin::processSettings in includes/
Processes the settings e.g. to prepare input evaluators.
RulesAbstractPlugin::setUp in includes/
RulesAbstractPlugin::variableInfoAssertions in includes/
Returns asserted additions to the available variable info.

... See full list


includes/, line 376


Base class for RulesExtendables.


public function __call($name, $arguments = array()) {
    return parent::__call($name, $arguments);