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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule class includes/ An actual rule.
rule function ./rules.module Creates a new rule.

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Title Object type File name Summary
RulesState::$currentArguments property includes/ Holds the arguments while an element is executed.
RulesState::$currentlyBlocked property includes/ Variable for saving currently blocked configs for serialization.
RulesState::$info property includes/ Holds info about the variables.
RulesState::$save property includes/ Keeps wrappers to be saved later on.
RulesState::$variables property includes/ The known variables.
RulesState::addVariable function includes/ Adds the given variable to the given execution state.
RulesState::applyDataSelector function includes/ Returns an entity metadata wrapper as specified in the selector.
RulesState::block function includes/ Block a rules configuration from execution.
RulesState::cleanUp function includes/ Runs post-evaluation tasks, such as saving variables.
RulesState::defaultVariables function includes/ Defines always-available variables.
RulesState::get function includes/ Gets a variable.
RulesState::isBlocked function includes/ Returns whether a rules configuration should be blocked from execution.
RulesState::isEntity function includes/ Returns whether the variable with the given name is an entity.
RulesState::isSavable function includes/ Returns whether the given wrapper is saveable.
RulesState::mergeSaveVariables function includes/ Merges info from the given state into the existing state.
RulesState::restoreBlocks function includes/ Restores the before-serialization blocked configurations.
RulesState::save function includes/ Remembers to save the wrapper on cleanup or does it now.
RulesState::saveChanges function includes/ Apply permanent changes provided the wrapper's data type is saveable.
RulesState::saveNow function includes/ Saves the wrapper for the given selector.
RulesState::unblock function includes/ Unblock a rules configuration from execution.
RulesState::varInfo function includes/ Get the info about the state variables or a single variable.
RulesState::__construct function includes/ Constructs a RulesState object.
RulesState::__sleep function includes/ Magic method. Only serialize variables and their info.
RulesState::__wakeup function includes/ Magic method. Unserialize variables and their info.
RulesTaxonomyEventHandler class modules/ Event handler support taxonomy bundle event settings.
RulesTaxonomyEventHandler::getBundlePropertyLabel function modules/ Returns the label to use for the bundle property.
RulesTaxonomyVocabularyWrapper class modules/ A custom wrapper class for vocabularies.
RulesTaxonomyVocabularyWrapper::setEntity function modules/ Overridden to support identifying vocabularies by machine names.
RulesTaxonomyVocabularyWrapper::validate function modules/ Overridden to permit machine names as values.
RulesTestCase class tests/rules.test Rules test cases.
RulesTestCase::$normal_role property tests/rules.test
RulesTestCase::createTestRule function tests/rules.test Helper function to create a test Rule.
RulesTestCase::getInfo function tests/rules.test Declares test metadata.
RulesTestCase::setUp function tests/rules.test Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp().
RulesTestCase::t function tests/rules.test Calculates the output of t() given an array of placeholders to replace.
RulesTestCase::testAbortOnNULLValues function tests/rules.test Makes sure Rules aborts when NULL values are used.
RulesTestCase::testAccessCheck function tests/rules.test Tests access checks.
RulesTestCase::testActionExecutionFails function tests/rules.test Tests executing with wrong arguments.
RulesTestCase::testActionSaving function tests/rules.test Tests automatic saving of variables.
RulesTestCase::testActionSetup function tests/rules.test Tests setting up an action, serializing, and executing it.
RulesTestCase::testClassBasedActions function tests/rules.test Tests making use of class based actions.
RulesTestCase::testComponentInvocations function tests/rules.test Tests invoking components from the action.
RulesTestCase::testDataSelectors function tests/rules.test Tests using data selectors.
RulesTestCase::testDependencies function tests/rules.test Tests handling dependencies.
RulesTestCase::testInputEvaluators function tests/rules.test Tests using input evaluators.
RulesTestCase::testLoops function tests/rules.test Tests using loops.
RulesTestCase::testMetadataAssertion function tests/rules.test Tests asserting metadata.
RulesTestCase::testNamedParameters function tests/rules.test Tests the named parameter mode.
RulesTestCase::testPassingByReference function tests/rules.test Tests passing arguments by reference to an action.
RulesTestCase::testReturningVariables function tests/rules.test Tests returning provided variables.