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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule class includes/ An actual rule.
rule function ./rules.module Creates a new rule.

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Title Object type File name Summary
RulesLog::INFO constant includes/
RulesLog::log function includes/ Logs a log message.
RulesLog::logger function includes/
RulesLog::render function includes/ Renders the whole log.
RulesLog::renderHelper function includes/ Renders the log of one event invocation.
RulesLog::WARN constant includes/
RulesLog::__clone function includes/
RulesLog::__construct function includes/ This is a singleton.
RulesLoop class includes/ A loop element.
RulesLoop::$itemName property includes/
RulesLoop::$listItemInfo property includes/
RulesLoop::evaluate function includes/ Evaluate, whereas by default new vars are visible in the parent's scope.
RulesLoop::exportChildren function includes/
RulesLoop::exportSettings function includes/
RulesLoop::importChildren function includes/
RulesLoop::importSettings function includes/
RulesLoop::integrityCheck function includes/ Makes sure the plugin is configured right.
RulesLoop::label function includes/ Returns the label of the element.
RulesLoop::listItemInfo function includes/
RulesLoop::pluginParameterInfo function includes/ Returns info about parameters needed by the plugin.
RulesLoop::stateVariables function includes/ Returns available state variables for an element.
RulesLoop::__construct function includes/
RulesLoopUI class ui/ UI for Rules loops.
RulesLoopUI::buildContent function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesLoopUI::form function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::form().
RulesLoopUI::form_extract_values function ui/ Applies the values of the form to the given rule configuration.
RulesLoopUI::form_validate function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesNodeConditionBase class modules/ Base class providing node condition defaults.
RulesNodeConditionBase::defaults function modules/
RulesNodeConditionPromoted class modules/ Condition: Check if the node is promoted to the frontpage.
RulesNodeConditionPromoted::execute function modules/ Executes the condition.
RulesNodeConditionPromoted::getInfo function modules/ Defines the condition.
RulesNodeConditionPublished class modules/ Condition: Check if the node is published.
RulesNodeConditionPublished::execute function modules/ Executes the condition.
RulesNodeConditionPublished::getInfo function modules/ Defines the condition.
RulesNodeConditionSticky class modules/ Condition: Check if the node is sticky.
RulesNodeConditionSticky::execute function modules/ Executes the condition.
RulesNodeConditionSticky::getInfo function modules/ Defines the condition.
RulesNodeConditionType class modules/ Condition: Check for selected content types.
RulesNodeConditionType::assertions function modules/ Provides the content type of a node as asserted metadata.
RulesNodeConditionType::execute function modules/ Executes the condition.
RulesNodeConditionType::getInfo function modules/ Defines the condition.
RulesNodeEventHandler class modules/ Event handler support node bundle event settings.
RulesNodeEventHandler::getBundlePropertyLabel function modules/ Returns the label to use for the bundle property.
RulesNumericOffsetProcessor class modules/ A data processor for applying numerical offsets.
RulesNumericOffsetProcessor::form function modules/ Overrides RulesDataProcessor::form().
RulesNumericOffsetProcessor::process function modules/ Overrides RulesDataProcessor::process().
RulesOptimizationInterface interface includes/ Interface for optimizing evaluation.
RulesOptimizationInterface::optimize function includes/ Optimizes a rule configuration in order to speed up evaluation.
RulesOr class includes/ A logical OR.