class PageExampleController

Same name in other branches
  1. 3.x modules/page_example/src/Controller/PageExampleController.php \Drupal\page_example\Controller\PageExampleController
  2. 4.0.x modules/page_example/src/Controller/PageExampleController.php \Drupal\page_example\Controller\PageExampleController

Controller routines for page example routes.


Expanded class hierarchy of PageExampleController


page_example/src/Controller/PageExampleController.php, line 12


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class PageExampleController extends ControllerBase {
    use DescriptionTemplateTrait;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function getModuleName() {
        return 'page_example';
     * Constructs a simple page.
     * The router _controller callback, maps the path
     * 'examples/page-example/simple' to this method.
     * _controller callbacks return a renderable array for the content area of the
     * page. The theme system will later render and surround the content with the
     * appropriate blocks, navigation, and styling.
    public function simple() {
        return [
            '#markup' => '<p>' . $this->t('Simple page: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.') . '</p>',
     * A more complex _controller callback that takes arguments.
     * This callback is mapped to the path
     * 'examples/page-example/arguments/{first}/{second}'.
     * The arguments in brackets are passed to this callback from the page URL.
     * The placeholder names "first" and "second" can have any value but should
     * match the callback method variable names; i.e. $first and $second.
     * This function also demonstrates a more complex render array in the returned
     * values. Instead of rendering the HTML with theme('item_list'), content is
     * left un-rendered, and the theme function name is set using #theme. This
     * content will now be rendered as late as possible, giving more parts of the
     * system a chance to change it if necessary.
     * Consult @link Render Arrays documentation
     * @endlink for details.
     * @param string $first
     *   A string to use, should be a number.
     * @param string $second
     *   Another string to use, should be a number.
     * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException
     *   If the parameters are invalid.
    public function arguments($first, $second) {
        // Make sure you don't trust the URL to be safe! Always check for exploits.
        if (!is_numeric($first) || !is_numeric($second)) {
            // We will just show a standard "access denied" page in this case.
            throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
        $list[] = $this->t("First number was @number.", [
            '@number' => $first,
        $list[] = $this->t("Second number was @number.", [
            '@number' => $second,
        $list[] = $this->t('The total was @number.', [
            '@number' => $first + $second,
        $render_array['page_example_arguments'] = [
            // The theme function to apply to the #items.
'#theme' => 'item_list',
            // The list itself.
'#items' => $list,
            '#title' => $this->t('Argument Information'),
        return $render_array;



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overriden Title Overrides
DescriptionTemplateTrait::description public function Generate a render array with our templated content.
DescriptionTemplateTrait::getDescriptionTemplatePath protected function Get full path to the template.
DescriptionTemplateTrait::getDescriptionVariables protected function Variables to act as context to the twig template file. 1
PageExampleController::arguments public function A more complex _controller callback that takes arguments.
PageExampleController::getModuleName protected function Name of our module. Overrides DescriptionTemplateTrait::getModuleName
PageExampleController::simple public function Constructs a simple page.