interface EntityExampleBasicControllerInterface

EntityExampleBasicControllerInterface definition.

We create an interface here because anyone could come along and use hook_entity_info_alter() to change our controller class. We want to let them know what methods our class needs in order to function with the rest of the module, so here's a handy list.


Expanded class hierarchy of EntityExampleBasicControllerInterface

All classes that implement EntityExampleBasicControllerInterface

See also


Related topics


entity_example/entity_example.module, line 505

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interface EntityExampleBasicControllerInterface extends DrupalEntityControllerInterface {
     * Create an entity.
    public function create();
     * Save an entity.
     * @param object $entity
     *   The entity to save.
    public function save($entity);
     * Delete an entity.
     * @param object $entity
     *   The entity to delete.
    public function delete($entity);



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overrides
DrupalEntityControllerInterface::load public function Loads one or more entities. 1
DrupalEntityControllerInterface::resetCache public function Resets the internal, static entity cache. 1
EntityExampleBasicControllerInterface::create public function Create an entity. 1
EntityExampleBasicControllerInterface::delete public function Delete an entity. 1
EntityExampleBasicControllerInterface::save public function Save an entity. 1