function action_example_unblock_user_action

Action function for action_example_unblock_user_action.

This action is expecting an entity object user, node or comment. If none of the above is provided (because it was not called from an user/node/comment trigger event), then the action will be taken on the current logged in user.

Unblock an user. This action can be fired from different trigger types:

  • User trigger: this user will be unblocked.
  • Node/Comment trigger: the author of the node or comment will be unblocked.
  • Other: (including system or custom defined types), current user will be unblocked. (Yes, this seems like an incomprehensible use-case.)


object $entity: An optional user object (could be a user, or an author if context is node or comment)

array $context: Array with parameters for this action: depends on the trigger. The context is not used in this example.

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action_example/action_example.module, line 233


function action_example_unblock_user_action(&$entity, $context = array()) {
    // First we check that entity is a user object. If this is the case, then this
    // is a user-type trigger.
    if (isset($entity->uid)) {
        $uid = $entity->uid;
    elseif (isset($context['uid'])) {
        $uid = $context['uid'];
    else {
        $uid = $GLOBALS['user']->uid;
    $account = user_load($uid);
    $account = user_save($account, array(
        'status' => 1,
    watchdog('action_example', 'Unblocked user %name.', array(
        '%name' => $account->name,
    drupal_set_message(t('Unblocked user %name', array(
        '%name' => $account->name,