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 * Upgrade test for node bodies.
 * Load a filled installation of Drupal 6 and run the upgrade process on it.
class NodeBodyUpgradePathTestCase extends UpgradePathTestCase {
    public static function getInfo() {
        return array(
            'name' => 'Node body upgrade path',
            'description' => 'Node body upgrade path tests.',
            'group' => 'Upgrade path',
    public function setUp() {
        // Path to the database dump.
        $this->databaseDumpFiles = array(
            drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/tests/upgrade/drupal-6.filled.database.php',
     * Test a successful upgrade.
    public function testNodeBodyUpgrade() {
        if ($this->skipUpgradeTest) {
        $this->assertTrue($this->performUpgrade(), 'The upgrade was completed successfully.');
        $instance = field_info_instance('node', 'body', 'story');
        $this->assertIdentical($instance['required'], 0, 'The required setting was preserved during the upgrade path.');
        $this->assertTrue($instance['description'], 'The description was preserved during the upgrade path');
        $this->assertText('node body (broken) - 37');
        // Find a published node revision and make sure it still has a body.
        $revision = db_query_range("SELECT r.nid, r.vid FROM {node_revision} r JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = r.nid WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.type <> 'poll' AND n.vid <> r.vid", 0, 1)->fetch();
        $revision = node_load($revision->nid, $revision->vid);
        $this->assertTrue(!empty($revision->body), 'Non-current node revisions still have a node body.');
        // Find an unpublished node revision and make sure it still has a body.
        $revision = db_query_range("SELECT r.nid, r.vid FROM {node_revision} r JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = r.nid WHERE n.status = 0 AND n.type <> 'poll' AND n.vid <> r.vid", 0, 1)->fetch();
        $revision = node_load($revision->nid, $revision->vid);
        $this->assertTrue(!empty($revision->body), 'Unpublished non-current node revisions still have a node body.');
        // Check that fields created during the upgrade can be edited and resaved
        // in the UI.
        $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/story/fields/body', array(), t('Save settings'));


 * Tests the upgrade path for node disabled node types.
 * Load a filled installation of Drupal 6 and run the upgrade process on it.
class DisabledNodeTypeTestCase extends UpgradePathTestCase {
    public static function getInfo() {
        return array(
            'name' => 'Disabled node type upgrade path',
            'description' => 'Disabled node type upgrade path tests.',
            'group' => 'Upgrade path',
    public function setUp() {
        // Path to the database dump.
        $this->databaseDumpFiles = array(
            drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/tests/upgrade/drupal-6.filled.database.php',
            drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/tests/upgrade/drupal-6.node_type_broken.database.php',
     * Tests a successful upgrade.
    public function testDisabledNodeTypeUpgrade() {
        if ($this->skipUpgradeTest) {
        $this->assertTrue($this->performUpgrade(), 'The upgrade was completed successfully.');
        $this->assertTrue(field_info_instance('comment', 'comment_body', 'comment_node_broken'), 'Comment body field instance was created for comments attached to the disabled broken node type');


 * Upgrade test for node type poll.
 * Load a bare installation of Drupal 6 and run the upgrade process on it.
 * The install only contains dblog (although it's optional, it's only so that
 * another hook_watchdog module can take its place, the site is not functional
 * without watchdog) and update.
class PollUpgradePathTestCase extends UpgradePathTestCase {
    public static function getInfo() {
        return array(
            'name' => 'Poll upgrade path',
            'description' => 'Poll upgrade path tests.',
            'group' => 'Upgrade path',
    public function setUp() {
        // Path to the database dump.
        $this->databaseDumpFiles = array(
            drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/tests/upgrade/drupal-6.filled.database.php',
     * Test a successful upgrade.
    public function testPollUpgrade() {
        if ($this->skipUpgradeTest) {
        $this->assertTrue($this->performUpgrade(), 'The upgrade was completed successfully.');
        // Check modules page for poll
        // Verify that the poll data is still correctly available
        for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
            $nbchoices = $i % 4 + 2;
            for ($c = 0; $c < $nbchoices; $c++) {
                $this->assertText("Choice {$c} for poll {$i}", 'Choice text is displayed correctly on poll view');
            // Now check that the votes are correct
            for ($c = 0; $c < $nbchoices; $c++) {
                $this->assertText("Choice {$c} for poll {$i}", 'Choice text is displayed correctly on result view');
            $nbvotes = floor($i % 4 + 5);
            $elements = $this->xpath("//div[@class='percent']");
            for ($c = 0; $c < $nbchoices; $c++) {
                $votes = floor($nbvotes / $nbchoices);
                if ($nbvotes % $nbchoices > $c) {
                $this->assertTrue(preg_match("/{$votes} vote/", $elements[$c]), 'The number of votes is displayed correctly: expected ' . $votes . ', got ' . $elements[$c]);



Title Deprecated Summary
DisabledNodeTypeTestCase Tests the upgrade path for node disabled node types.
NodeBodyUpgradePathTestCase Upgrade test for node bodies.
PollUpgradePathTestCase Upgrade test for node type poll.

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