
Tests for shortcut.module.



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 * @file
 * Tests for shortcut.module.

 * Defines base class for shortcut test cases.
class ShortcutTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
     * User with permission to administer shortcuts.
    protected $admin_user;
     * User with permission to use shortcuts, but not administer them.
    protected $shortcut_user;
     * Generic node used for testing.
    protected $node;
     * Site-wide default shortcut set.
    protected $set;
    function setUp() {
        parent::setUp('toolbar', 'shortcut');
        // Create users.
        $this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
            'access toolbar',
            'administer shortcuts',
            'view the administration theme',
            'create article content',
            'create page content',
            'access content overview',
        $this->shortcut_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
            'customize shortcut links',
            'switch shortcut sets',
        // Create a node.
        $this->node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array(
            'type' => 'article',
        // Log in as admin and grab the default shortcut set.
        $this->set = shortcut_set_load(SHORTCUT_DEFAULT_SET_NAME);
        shortcut_set_assign_user($this->set, $this->admin_user);
     * Creates a generic shortcut set.
    function generateShortcutSet($title = '', $default_links = TRUE) {
        $set = new stdClass();
        $set->title = empty($title) ? $this->randomName(10) : $title;
        if ($default_links) {
            $set->links = array();
            $set->links[] = $this->generateShortcutLink('node/add');
            $set->links[] = $this->generateShortcutLink('admin/content');
        return $set;
     * Creates a generic shortcut link.
    function generateShortcutLink($path, $title = '') {
        $link = array(
            'link_path' => $path,
            'link_title' => !empty($title) ? $title : $this->randomName(10),
        return $link;
     * Extracts information from shortcut set links.
     * @param object $set
     *   The shortcut set object to extract information from.
     * @param string $key
     *   The array key indicating what information to extract from each link:
     *    - 'link_path': Extract link paths.
     *    - 'link_title': Extract link titles.
     *    - 'mlid': Extract the menu link item ID numbers.
     * @return array
     *   Array of the requested information from each link.
    function getShortcutInformation($set, $key) {
        $info = array();
        foreach ($set->links as $link) {
            $info[] = $link[$key];
        return $info;


 * Defines shortcut links test cases.
class ShortcutLinksTestCase extends ShortcutTestCase {
    public static function getInfo() {
        return array(
            'name' => 'Shortcut link functionality',
            'description' => 'Create, view, edit, delete, and change shortcut links.',
            'group' => 'Shortcut',
     * Tests that creating a shortcut works properly.
    function testShortcutLinkAdd() {
        $set = $this->set;
        // Create an alias for the node so we can test aliases.
        $path = array(
            'source' => 'node/' . $this->node->nid,
            'alias' => $this->randomName(8),
        // Create some paths to test.
        $test_cases = array(
                'path' => '',
                'path' => 'admin',
                'path' => 'admin/config/system/site-information',
                'path' => "node/{$this->node->nid}/edit",
                'path' => $path['alias'],
        // Check that each new shortcut links where it should.
        foreach ($test_cases as $test) {
            $title = $this->randomName(10);
            $form_data = array(
                'shortcut_link[link_title]' => $title,
                'shortcut_link[link_path]' => $test['path'],
            $this->drupalPost('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/' . $set->set_name . '/add-link', $form_data, t('Save'));
            $saved_set = shortcut_set_load($set->set_name);
            $paths = $this->getShortcutInformation($saved_set, 'link_path');
            $test_path = empty($test['path']) ? '<front>' : $test['path'];
            $this->assertTrue(in_array(drupal_get_normal_path($test_path), $paths), 'Shortcut created: ' . $test['path']);
            $this->assertLink($title, 0, 'Shortcut link found on the page.');
     * Tests that the "add to shortcut" link changes to "remove shortcut".
    function testShortcutQuickLink() {
        $this->assertRaw(t('Remove from %title shortcuts', array(
            '%title' => $this->set->title,
        )), '"Add to shortcuts" link properly switched to "Remove from shortcuts".');
     * Tests that shortcut links can be renamed.
    function testShortcutLinkRename() {
        $set = $this->set;
        // Attempt to rename shortcut link.
        $new_link_name = $this->randomName(10);
        $this->drupalPost('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/link/' . $set->links[0]['mlid'], array(
            'shortcut_link[link_title]' => $new_link_name,
            'shortcut_link[link_path]' => $set->links[0]['link_path'],
        ), t('Save'));
        $saved_set = shortcut_set_load($set->set_name);
        $titles = $this->getShortcutInformation($saved_set, 'link_title');
        $this->assertTrue(in_array($new_link_name, $titles), 'Shortcut renamed: ' . $new_link_name);
        $this->assertLink($new_link_name, 0, 'Renamed shortcut link appears on the page.');
     * Tests that changing the path of a shortcut link works.
    function testShortcutLinkChangePath() {
        $set = $this->set;
        // Tests changing a shortcut path.
        $new_link_path = 'admin/config';
        $this->drupalPost('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/link/' . $set->links[0]['mlid'], array(
            'shortcut_link[link_title]' => $set->links[0]['link_title'],
            'shortcut_link[link_path]' => $new_link_path,
        ), t('Save'));
        $saved_set = shortcut_set_load($set->set_name);
        $paths = $this->getShortcutInformation($saved_set, 'link_path');
        $this->assertTrue(in_array($new_link_path, $paths), 'Shortcut path changed: ' . $new_link_path);
        $this->assertLinkByHref($new_link_path, 0, 'Shortcut with new path appears on the page.');
     * Tests deleting a shortcut link.
    function testShortcutLinkDelete() {
        $set = $this->set;
        $this->drupalPost('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/link/' . $set->links[0]['mlid'] . '/delete', array(), 'Delete');
        $saved_set = shortcut_set_load($set->set_name);
        $mlids = $this->getShortcutInformation($saved_set, 'mlid');
        $this->assertFalse(in_array($set->links[0]['mlid'], $mlids), 'Successfully deleted a shortcut.');
     * Tests that the add shortcut link is not displayed for 404/403 errors.
     * Tests that the "Add to shortcuts" link is not displayed on a page not
     * found or a page the user does not have access to.
    function testNoShortcutLink() {
        // Change to a theme that displays shortcuts.
        variable_set('theme_default', 'seven');
        $this->assertNoRaw('add-shortcut', 'Add to shortcuts link was not shown on a page not found.');
        // The user does not have access to this path.
        $this->assertNoRaw('add-shortcut', 'Add to shortcuts link was not shown on a page the user does not have access to.');
        // Verify that the testing mechanism works by verifying the shortcut
        // link appears on admin/content/node.
        $this->assertRaw('add-shortcut', 'Add to shortcuts link was shown on a page the user does have access to.');


 * Defines shortcut set test cases.
class ShortcutSetsTestCase extends ShortcutTestCase {
    public static function getInfo() {
        return array(
            'name' => 'Shortcut set functionality',
            'description' => 'Create, view, edit, delete, and change shortcut sets.',
            'group' => 'Shortcut',
     * Tests creating a shortcut set.
    function testShortcutSetAdd() {
        $new_set = $this->generateShortcutSet($this->randomName(10));
        $sets = shortcut_sets();
        $this->assertTrue(isset($sets[$new_set->set_name]), 'Successfully created a shortcut set.');
        $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->admin_user->uid . '/shortcuts');
        $this->assertText($new_set->title, 'Generated shortcut set was listed as a choice on the user account page.');
     * Tests switching a user's own shortcut set.
    function testShortcutSetSwitchOwn() {
        $new_set = $this->generateShortcutSet($this->randomName(10));
        // Attempt to switch the default shortcut set to the newly created shortcut
        // set.
        $this->drupalPost('user/' . $this->admin_user->uid . '/shortcuts', array(
            'set' => $new_set->set_name,
        ), t('Change set'));
        $current_set = shortcut_current_displayed_set($this->admin_user);
        $this->assertTrue($new_set->set_name == $current_set->set_name, 'Successfully switched own shortcut set.');
     * Tests switching another user's shortcut set.
    function testShortcutSetAssign() {
        $new_set = $this->generateShortcutSet($this->randomName(10));
        shortcut_set_assign_user($new_set, $this->shortcut_user);
        $current_set = shortcut_current_displayed_set($this->shortcut_user);
        $this->assertTrue($new_set->set_name == $current_set->set_name, "Successfully switched another user's shortcut set.");
     * Tests switching a user's shortcut set and creating one at the same time.
    function testShortcutSetSwitchCreate() {
        $edit = array(
            'set' => 'new',
            'new' => $this->randomName(10),
        $this->drupalPost('user/' . $this->admin_user->uid . '/shortcuts', $edit, t('Change set'));
        $current_set = shortcut_current_displayed_set($this->admin_user);
        $this->assertNotEqual($current_set->set_name, $this->set->set_name, 'A shortcut set can be switched to at the same time as it is created.');
        $this->assertEqual($current_set->title, $edit['new'], 'The new set is correctly assigned to the user.');
     * Tests switching a user's shortcut set without providing a new set name.
    function testShortcutSetSwitchNoSetName() {
        $edit = array(
            'set' => 'new',
        $this->drupalPost('user/' . $this->admin_user->uid . '/shortcuts', $edit, t('Change set'));
        $this->assertText(t('The new set name is required.'));
        $current_set = shortcut_current_displayed_set($this->admin_user);
        $this->assertEqual($current_set->set_name, $this->set->set_name, 'Attempting to switch to a new shortcut set without providing a set name does not succeed.');
     * Tests that shortcut_set_save() correctly updates existing links.
    function testShortcutSetSave() {
        $set = $this->set;
        $old_mlids = $this->getShortcutInformation($set, 'mlid');
        $set->links[] = $this->generateShortcutLink('admin', $this->randomName(10));
        $saved_set = shortcut_set_load($set->set_name);
        $new_mlids = $this->getShortcutInformation($saved_set, 'mlid');
        $this->assertTrue(count(array_intersect($old_mlids, $new_mlids)) == count($old_mlids), 'shortcut_set_save() did not inadvertently change existing mlids.');
     * Tests renaming a shortcut set.
    function testShortcutSetRename() {
        $set = $this->set;
        $new_title = $this->randomName(10);
        $this->drupalPost('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/' . $set->set_name . '/edit', array(
            'title' => $new_title,
        ), t('Save'));
        $set = shortcut_set_load($set->set_name);
        $this->assertTrue($set->title == $new_title, 'Shortcut set has been successfully renamed.');
     * Tests renaming a shortcut set to the same name as another set.
    function testShortcutSetRenameAlreadyExists() {
        $set = $this->generateShortcutSet($this->randomName(10));
        $existing_title = $this->set->title;
        $this->drupalPost('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/' . $set->set_name . '/edit', array(
            'title' => $existing_title,
        ), t('Save'));
        $this->assertRaw(t('The shortcut set %name already exists. Choose another name.', array(
            '%name' => $existing_title,
        $set = shortcut_set_load($set->set_name);
        $this->assertNotEqual($set->title, $existing_title, format_string('The shortcut set %title cannot be renamed to %new-title because a shortcut set with that title already exists.', array(
            '%title' => $set->title,
            '%new-title' => $existing_title,
     * Tests unassigning a shortcut set.
    function testShortcutSetUnassign() {
        $new_set = $this->generateShortcutSet($this->randomName(10));
        shortcut_set_assign_user($new_set, $this->shortcut_user);
        $current_set = shortcut_current_displayed_set($this->shortcut_user);
        $default_set = shortcut_default_set($this->shortcut_user);
        $this->assertTrue($current_set->set_name == $default_set->set_name, "Successfully unassigned another user's shortcut set.");
     * Tests deleting a shortcut set.
    function testShortcutSetDelete() {
        $new_set = $this->generateShortcutSet($this->randomName(10));
        $this->drupalPost('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/' . $new_set->set_name . '/delete', array(), t('Delete'));
        $sets = shortcut_sets();
        $this->assertFalse(isset($sets[$new_set->set_name]), 'Successfully deleted a shortcut set.');
     * Tests deleting the default shortcut set.
    function testShortcutSetDeleteDefault() {
        $this->drupalGet('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/' . SHORTCUT_DEFAULT_SET_NAME . '/delete');



Title Deprecated Summary
ShortcutLinksTestCase Defines shortcut links test cases.
ShortcutSetsTestCase Defines shortcut set test cases.
ShortcutTestCase Defines base class for shortcut test cases.

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