function node_save

Saves changes to a node or adds a new node.


$node: The $node object to be saved. If $node->nid is omitted (or $node->is_new is TRUE), a new node will be added.

26 calls to node_save()
book_admin_edit_submit in modules/book/
Form submission handler for book_admin_edit().
callback_batch_operation in modules/system/form.api.php
Perform a single batch operation.
callback_queue_worker in modules/system/system.api.php
Work on a single queue item.
CommentInterfaceTest::setEnvironment in modules/comment/comment.test
Re-configures the environment, module settings, and user permissions.
CommentRSSUnitTest::testCommentRSS in modules/comment/comment.test
Test comments as part of an RSS feed.

... See full list

1 string reference to 'node_save'
menu_test_menu in modules/simpletest/tests/menu_test.module
Implements hook_menu().


modules/node/node.module, line 1077


function node_save($node) {
    $transaction = db_transaction();
    try {
        // Load the stored entity, if any.
        if (!empty($node->nid) && !isset($node->original)) {
            $node->original = entity_load_unchanged('node', $node->nid);
        field_attach_presave('node', $node);
        global $user;
        // Determine if we will be inserting a new node.
        if (!isset($node->is_new)) {
            $node->is_new = empty($node->nid);
        // Set the timestamp fields.
        if (empty($node->created)) {
            $node->created = REQUEST_TIME;
        // The changed timestamp is always updated for bookkeeping purposes,
        // for example: revisions, searching, etc.
        $node->changed = REQUEST_TIME;
        $node->timestamp = REQUEST_TIME;
        $update_node = TRUE;
        // Let modules modify the node before it is saved to the database.
        module_invoke_all('node_presave', $node);
        module_invoke_all('entity_presave', $node, 'node');
        if ($node->is_new || !empty($node->revision)) {
            // When inserting either a new node or a new node revision, $node->log
            // must be set because {node_revision}.log is a text column and therefore
            // cannot have a default value. However, it might not be set at this
            // point (for example, if the user submitting a node form does not have
            // permission to create revisions), so we ensure that it is at least an
            // empty string in that case.
            // @todo: Make the {node_revision}.log column nullable so that we can
            // remove this check.
            if (!isset($node->log)) {
                $node->log = '';
        elseif (!isset($node->log) || $node->log === '') {
            // If we are updating an existing node without adding a new revision, we
            // need to make sure $node->log is unset whenever it is empty. As long as
            // $node->log is unset, drupal_write_record() will not attempt to update
            // the existing database column when re-saving the revision; therefore,
            // this code allows us to avoid clobbering an existing log entry with an
            // empty one.
        // When saving a new node revision, unset any existing $node->vid so as to
        // ensure that a new revision will actually be created, then store the old
        // revision ID in a separate property for use by node hook implementations.
        if (!$node->is_new && !empty($node->revision) && $node->vid) {
            $node->old_vid = $node->vid;
        // Save the node and node revision.
        if ($node->is_new) {
            // For new nodes, save new records for both the node itself and the node
            // revision.
            drupal_write_record('node', $node);
            _node_save_revision($node, $user->uid);
            $op = 'insert';
        else {
            // For existing nodes, update the node record which matches the value of
            // $node->nid.
            drupal_write_record('node', $node, 'nid');
            // Then, if a new node revision was requested, save a new record for
            // that; otherwise, update the node revision record which matches the
            // value of $node->vid.
            if (!empty($node->revision)) {
                _node_save_revision($node, $user->uid);
            else {
                _node_save_revision($node, $user->uid, 'vid');
                $update_node = FALSE;
            $op = 'update';
        if ($update_node) {
                'vid' => $node->vid,
                ->condition('nid', $node->nid)
        // Call the node specific callback (if any). This can be
        // node_invoke($node, 'insert') or
        // node_invoke($node, 'update').
        node_invoke($node, $op);
        // Save fields.
        $function = "field_attach_{$op}";
        $function('node', $node);
        module_invoke_all('node_' . $op, $node);
        module_invoke_all('entity_' . $op, $node, 'node');
        // Update the node access table for this node.
        // Clear internal properties.
        // Clear the static loading cache.
        // Ignore slave server temporarily to give time for the
        // saved node to be propagated to the slave.
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        watchdog_exception('node', $e);
        throw $e;

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