function book_prev

Fetches the menu link for the previous page of the book.


$book_link: A fully loaded menu link that is part of the book hierarchy.

Return value

A fully loaded menu link for the page before the one represented in $book_link.

1 call to book_prev()
template_preprocess_book_navigation in modules/book/book.module
Processes variables for book-navigation.tpl.php.


modules/book/book.module, line 765


function book_prev($book_link) {
    // If the parent is zero, we are at the start of a book.
    if ($book_link['plid'] == 0) {
        return NULL;
    $flat = book_get_flat_menu($book_link);
    $curr = NULL;
    do {
        $prev = $curr;
        $curr = current($flat);
        $key = key($flat);
    } while ($key && $key != $book_link['mlid']);
    if ($key == $book_link['mlid']) {
        // The previous page in the book may be a child of the previous visible link.
        if ($prev['depth'] == $book_link['depth'] && $prev['has_children']) {
            // The subtree will have only one link at the top level - get its data.
            $tree = book_menu_subtree_data($prev);
            $data = array_shift($tree);
            // The link of interest is the last child - iterate to find the deepest one.
            while ($data['below']) {
                $data = end($data['below']);
            return $data['link'];
        else {
            return $prev;

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