function menu_delete_links

Deletes all links for a menu.


$menu_name: The name of the menu whose links will be deleted.

Related topics

3 calls to menu_delete_links()
menu_delete in modules/menu/menu.module
Delete a custom menu and all contained links.
shortcut_set_delete in modules/shortcut/shortcut.module
Deletes a shortcut set.
shortcut_uninstall in modules/shortcut/shortcut.install
Implements hook_uninstall().


includes/, line 3055


function menu_delete_links($menu_name) {
    $links = menu_load_links($menu_name);
    foreach ($links as $link) {
        // To speed up the deletion process, we reset some link properties that
        // would trigger re-parenting logic in _menu_delete_item() and
        // _menu_update_parental_status().
        $link['has_children'] = FALSE;
        $link['plid'] = 0;

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