class FileTransferLocal

The local connection class for copying files as the httpd user.


Expanded class hierarchy of FileTransferLocal


includes/filetransfer/, line 6

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class FileTransferLocal extends FileTransfer implements FileTransferChmodInterface {
    function connect() {
        // No-op
    static function factory($jail, $settings) {
        return new FileTransferLocal($jail);
    protected function copyFileJailed($source, $destination) {
        if (@(!copy($source, $destination))) {
            throw new FileTransferException('Cannot copy %source to %destination.', NULL, array(
                '%source' => $source,
                '%destination' => $destination,
    protected function createDirectoryJailed($directory) {
        if (!is_dir($directory) && @(!mkdir($directory, 0777, TRUE))) {
            throw new FileTransferException('Cannot create directory %directory.', NULL, array(
                '%directory' => $directory,
    protected function removeDirectoryJailed($directory) {
        if (!is_dir($directory)) {
            // Programmer error assertion, not something we expect users to see.
            throw new FileTransferException('removeDirectoryJailed() called with a path (%directory) that is not a directory.', NULL, array(
                '%directory' => $directory,
        foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new SkipDotsRecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST) as $filename => $file) {
            if ($file->isDir()) {
                if (@(!drupal_rmdir($filename))) {
                    throw new FileTransferException('Cannot remove directory %directory.', NULL, array(
                        '%directory' => $filename,
            elseif ($file->isFile()) {
                if (@(!drupal_unlink($filename))) {
                    throw new FileTransferException('Cannot remove file %file.', NULL, array(
                        '%file' => $filename,
        if (@(!drupal_rmdir($directory))) {
            throw new FileTransferException('Cannot remove directory %directory.', NULL, array(
                '%directory' => $directory,
    protected function removeFileJailed($file) {
        if (@(!drupal_unlink($file))) {
            throw new FileTransferException('Cannot remove file %file.', NULL, array(
                '%file' => $file,
    public function isDirectory($path) {
        return is_dir($path);
    public function isFile($path) {
        return is_file($path);
    public function chmodJailed($path, $mode, $recursive) {
        if ($recursive && is_dir($path)) {
            foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new SkipDotsRecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST) as $filename => $file) {
                if (@(!chmod($filename, $mode))) {
                    throw new FileTransferException('Cannot chmod %path.', NULL, array(
                        '%path' => $filename,
        elseif (@(!chmod($path, $mode))) {
            throw new FileTransferException('Cannot chmod %path.', NULL, array(
                '%path' => $path,



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overriden Title Overrides
FileTransfer::$hostname protected property
FileTransfer::$jail protected property
FileTransfer::$password protected property 1
FileTransfer::$port protected property 1
FileTransfer::$username protected property 1
FileTransfer::checkPath final protected function Checks that the path is inside the jail and throws an exception if not.
FileTransfer::chmod final public function
FileTransfer::copyDirectory final public function Copies a directory.
FileTransfer::copyDirectoryJailed protected function Copies a directory. 1
FileTransfer::copyFile final public function Copies a file.
FileTransfer::createDirectory final public function Creates a directory.
FileTransfer::findChroot function Return the chroot property for this connection.
FileTransfer::fixRemotePath final protected function Returns a modified path suitable for passing to the server.
If a path is a windows path, makes it POSIX compliant by removing the drive letter.
If $this->chroot has a value, it is stripped from the path to allow for
chroot'd filetransfer systems.
FileTransfer::getSettingsForm public function Returns a form to collect connection settings credentials. 2
FileTransfer::removeDirectory final public function Removes a directory.
FileTransfer::removeFile final public function Removes a file.
FileTransfer::sanitizePath function Changes backslashes to slashes, also removes a trailing slash.
FileTransfer::setChroot function Sets the chroot and changes the jail to match the correct path scheme
FileTransfer::__construct function The constructor for the UpdateConnection class. This method is also called
from the classes that extend this class and override this method.
FileTransfer::__get function Implementation of the magic __get() method.
FileTransferLocal::chmodJailed public function Changes the permissions of the file / directory specified in $path Overrides FileTransferChmodInterface::chmodJailed
FileTransferLocal::connect function Connect to the server. Overrides FileTransfer::connect
FileTransferLocal::copyFileJailed protected function Copies a file. Overrides FileTransfer::copyFileJailed
FileTransferLocal::createDirectoryJailed protected function Creates a directory. Overrides FileTransfer::createDirectoryJailed
FileTransferLocal::factory static function Classes that extend this class must override the factory() static method. Overrides FileTransfer::factory
FileTransferLocal::isDirectory public function Checks if a particular path is a directory Overrides FileTransfer::isDirectory
FileTransferLocal::isFile public function Checks if a particular path is a file (not a directory). Overrides FileTransfer::isFile
FileTransferLocal::removeDirectoryJailed protected function Removes a directory. Overrides FileTransfer::removeDirectoryJailed
FileTransferLocal::removeFileJailed protected function Removes a file. Overrides FileTransfer::removeFileJailed

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