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  1. 9 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Routing/ContentTypeHeaderMatcherTest.php
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  3. 11.x core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Routing/ContentTypeHeaderMatcherTest.php





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namespace Drupal\Tests\Core\Routing;

use Drupal\Core\Routing\ContentTypeHeaderMatcher;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException;

 * Confirm that the content types partial matcher is functioning properly.
 * @group Routing
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Routing\ContentTypeHeaderMatcher
class ContentTypeHeaderMatcherTest extends UnitTestCase {
     * A collection of shared fixture data for tests.
     * @var RoutingFixtures
    protected $fixtures;
     * The matcher object that is going to be tested.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\Routing\ContentTypeHeaderMatcher
    protected $matcher;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() {
        $this->fixtures = new RoutingFixtures();
        $this->matcher = new ContentTypeHeaderMatcher();
     * Tests that routes are not filtered on safe requests.
     * @dataProvider providerTestSafeRequestFilter
    public function testSafeRequestFilter($method) {
        $collection = $this->fixtures
        $request = Request::create('path/two', $method);
        $routes = $this->matcher
            ->filter($collection, $request);
        $this->assertCount(7, $routes, 'The correct number of routes was found.');
    public function providerTestSafeRequestFilter() {
        return [
     * Tests that XML-restricted routes get filtered out on JSON requests.
    public function testJsonRequest() {
        $collection = $this->fixtures
        $request = Request::create('path/two', 'POST');
            ->set('Content-type', 'application/json');
        $routes = $this->matcher
            ->filter($collection, $request);
        $this->assertCount(6, $routes, 'The correct number of routes was found.');
        $this->assertNotNull($routes->get('route_f'), 'The json route was found.');
        $this->assertNull($routes->get('route_g'), 'The xml route was not found.');
        foreach ($routes as $name => $route) {
            $this->assertEquals($name, 'route_f', 'The json route is the first one in the collection.');
     * Tests route filtering on POST form submission requests.
    public function testPostForm() {
        $collection = $this->fixtures
        // Test that all XML and JSON restricted routes get filtered out on a POST
        // form submission.
        $request = Request::create('path/two', 'POST');
            ->set('Content-type', 'application/www-form-urlencoded');
        $routes = $this->matcher
            ->filter($collection, $request);
        $this->assertCount(5, $routes, 'The correct number of routes was found.');
        $this->assertNull($routes->get('route_f'), 'The json route was found.');
        $this->assertNull($routes->get('route_g'), 'The xml route was not found.');
     * Confirms that the matcher throws an exception for no-route.
     * @covers ::filter
    public function testNoRouteFound() {
        $matcher = new ContentTypeHeaderMatcher();
        $routes = $this->fixtures
        $request = Request::create('path/two', 'POST');
            ->set('Content-type', 'application/hal+json');
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('No route found that matches "Content-Type: application/hal+json"');
        $matcher->filter($routes, $request);
     * Confirms that the matcher throws an exception for missing request header.
     * @covers ::filter
    public function testContentTypeRequestHeaderMissing() {
        $matcher = new ContentTypeHeaderMatcher();
        $routes = $this->fixtures
        $request = Request::create('path/two', 'POST');
        // Delete all request headers that Request::create() sets by default.
        $request->headers = new ParameterBag();
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('No "Content-Type" request header specified');
        $matcher->filter($routes, $request);



Title Deprecated Summary
ContentTypeHeaderMatcherTest Confirm that the content types partial matcher is functioning properly.

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