
Same filename in other branches
  1. 10 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Command/GenerateThemeTest.php
  2. 11.x core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Command/GenerateThemeTest.php
  3. 10 core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Command/GenerateThemeTest.php
  4. 11.x core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Command/GenerateThemeTest.php





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namespace Drupal\Tests\Core\Command;

use Drupal\BuildTests\QuickStart\QuickStartTestBase;
use Drupal\Core\Serialization\Yaml;
use Drupal\sqlite\Driver\Database\sqlite\Install\Tasks;
use Symfony\Component\Process\PhpExecutableFinder;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;

 * Tests the generate-theme commands.
 * @requires extension pdo_sqlite
 * @group Command
class GenerateThemeTest extends QuickStartTestBase {
     * The PHP executable path.
     * @var string
    protected $php;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setUp() : void {
        if (version_compare(\SQLite3::version()['versionString'], Tasks::SQLITE_MINIMUM_VERSION) < 0) {
        $php_executable_finder = new PhpExecutableFinder();
        $this->php = $php_executable_finder->find();
        $this->executeCommand('COMPOSER_DISCARD_CHANGES=true composer install --no-dev --no-interaction');
     * Generates PHP process to generate a theme from core's starterkit theme.
     * @return \Symfony\Component\Process\Process
     *   The PHP process
    private function generateThemeFromStarterkit($env = NULL) : Process {
        $install_command = [
            '--name="Test custom starterkit theme"',
            '--description="Custom theme generated from a starterkit theme"',
        $process = new Process($install_command, NULL, $env);
        return $process;
     * Asserts the theme exists. Returns the parsed *.info.yml file.
     * @param string $theme_path_relative
     *   The core-relative path to the theme.
     * @return array
     *   The parsed *.info.yml file.
    private function assertThemeExists(string $theme_path_relative) : array {
        $theme_path_absolute = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . "/{$theme_path_relative}";
        $theme_name = basename($theme_path_relative);
        $info_yml_filename = "{$theme_name}.info.yml";
        $this->assertFileExists($theme_path_absolute . '/' . $info_yml_filename);
        $info = Yaml::decode(file_get_contents($theme_path_absolute . '/' . $info_yml_filename));
        return $info;
     * Tests the generate-theme command.
    public function test() {
        // Do not rely on \Drupal::VERSION: change the version to a concrete version
        // number, to simulate using a tagged core release.
        $starterkit_info_yml = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/core/themes/starterkit_theme/';
        $info = Yaml::decode(file_get_contents($starterkit_info_yml));
        $info['version'] = '9.4.0';
        file_put_contents($starterkit_info_yml, Yaml::encode($info));
        $process = $this->generateThemeFromStarterkit();
        $result = $process->run();
        $this->assertEquals('Theme generated successfully to themes/test_custom_theme', trim($process->getOutput()), $process->getErrorOutput());
        $this->assertSame(0, $result);
        $theme_path_relative = 'themes/test_custom_theme';
        $info = $this->assertThemeExists($theme_path_relative);
        self::assertArrayNotHasKey('hidden', $info);
        self::assertArrayHasKey('generator', $info);
        self::assertEquals('starterkit_theme:9.4.0', $info['generator']);
        // Confirm readme is rewritten.
        $readme_file = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . "/{$theme_path_relative}/";
        $this->assertSame('test_custom_theme theme, generated from starterkit_theme. Additional information on generating themes can be found in the [Starterkit documentation](', file_get_contents($readme_file));
        // Ensure that the generated theme can be installed.
        $this->formLogin($this->adminUsername, $this->adminPassword);
            ->pageTextContains('Test custom starterkit');
            ->pageTextContains('Custom theme generated from a starterkit theme');
            ->clickLink('Install "Test custom starterkit theme" theme');
            ->pageTextContains('The "Test custom starterkit theme" theme has been installed.');
        // Ensure that a new theme cannot be generated when the destination
        // directory already exists.
        $theme_path_absolute = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . "/{$theme_path_relative}";
        $this->assertFileExists($theme_path_absolute . '/test_custom_theme.theme');
        unlink($theme_path_absolute . '/test_custom_theme.theme');
        $process = $this->generateThemeFromStarterkit();
        $result = $process->run();
        $this->assertStringContainsString('Theme could not be generated because the destination directory', $process->getErrorOutput());
        $this->assertStringContainsString($theme_path_relative, $process->getErrorOutput());
        $this->assertSame(1, $result);
        $this->assertFileDoesNotExist($theme_path_absolute . '/test_custom_theme.theme');
     * Tests generating a theme from another Starterkit enabled theme.
    public function testGeneratingFromAnotherTheme() {
        // Do not rely on \Drupal::VERSION: change the version to a concrete version
        // number, to simulate using a tagged core release.
        $starterkit_info_yml = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/core/themes/starterkit_theme/';
        $info = Yaml::decode(file_get_contents($starterkit_info_yml));
        $info['version'] = '9.4.0';
        file_put_contents($starterkit_info_yml, Yaml::encode($info));
        $process = $this->generateThemeFromStarterkit();
        $exit_code = $process->run();
        $this->assertSame('Theme generated successfully to themes/test_custom_theme', trim($process->getOutput()), $process->getErrorOutput());
        $this->assertSame(0, $exit_code);
        $install_command = [
            '--name="Generated from another theme"',
            '--description="Custom theme generated from a theme other than starterkit_theme"',
        $process = new Process($install_command);
        $exit_code = $process->run();
        $this->assertSame('Theme generated successfully to themes/generated_from_another_theme', trim($process->getOutput()), $process->getErrorOutput());
        $this->assertSame(0, $exit_code);
        // Confirm readme is rewritten.
        $readme_file = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/themes/generated_from_another_theme/';
        $this->assertSame('generated_from_another_theme theme, generated from test_custom_theme. Additional information on generating themes can be found in the [Starterkit documentation](', file_get_contents($readme_file));
     * Tests the generate-theme command on a dev snapshot of Drupal core.
    public function testDevSnapshot() {
        // Do not rely on \Drupal::VERSION: change the version to a development
        // snapshot version number, to simulate using a branch snapshot of core.
        $starterkit_info_yml = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/core/themes/starterkit_theme/';
        $info = Yaml::decode(file_get_contents($starterkit_info_yml));
        $info['version'] = '9.4.0-dev';
        file_put_contents($starterkit_info_yml, Yaml::encode($info));
        $process = $this->generateThemeFromStarterkit();
        $result = $process->run();
        $this->assertEquals('Theme generated successfully to themes/test_custom_theme', trim($process->getOutput()), $process->getErrorOutput());
        $this->assertSame(0, $result);
        $theme_path_relative = 'themes/test_custom_theme';
        $info = $this->assertThemeExists($theme_path_relative);
        self::assertArrayNotHasKey('hidden', $info);
        self::assertArrayHasKey('generator', $info);
        self::assertMatchesRegularExpression('/^starterkit_theme\\:9.4.0-dev#[0-9a-f]+$/', $info['generator']);
     * Tests the generate-theme command on a theme with a release version number.
    public function testContribStarterkit() : void {
        // Change the version to a concrete version number, to simulate using a
        // contrib theme as the starterkit.
        $starterkit_info_yml = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/core/themes/starterkit_theme/';
        $info = Yaml::decode(file_get_contents($starterkit_info_yml));
        $info['version'] = '1.20';
        file_put_contents($starterkit_info_yml, Yaml::encode($info));
        $process = $this->generateThemeFromStarterkit();
        $result = $process->run();
        $this->assertEquals('Theme generated successfully to themes/test_custom_theme', trim($process->getOutput()), $process->getErrorOutput());
        $this->assertSame(0, $result);
        $info = $this->assertThemeExists('themes/test_custom_theme');
        self::assertArrayNotHasKey('hidden', $info);
        self::assertArrayHasKey('generator', $info);
        self::assertEquals('starterkit_theme:1.20', $info['generator']);
     * Tests the generate-theme command on a theme with a dev version number.
    public function testContribStarterkitDevSnapshot() : void {
        // Change the version to a development snapshot version number, to simulate
        // using a contrib theme as the starterkit.
        $starterkit_info_yml = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/core/themes/starterkit_theme/';
        $info = Yaml::decode(file_get_contents($starterkit_info_yml));
        $info['core_version_requirement'] = '*';
        $info['version'] = '7.x-dev';
        file_put_contents($starterkit_info_yml, Yaml::encode($info));
        // Avoid the core git commit from being considered the source theme's: move
        // it out of core.
        Process::fromShellCommandline('mv core/themes/starterkit_theme themes/', $this->getWorkspaceDirectory())
        $process = $this->generateThemeFromStarterkit();
        $result = $process->run();
        $this->assertEquals("The source theme starterkit_theme has a development version number (7.x-dev). Because it is not a git checkout, a specific commit could not be identified. This makes tracking changes in the source theme difficult. Are you sure you want to continue? (yes/no) [yes]:\n > Theme generated successfully to themes/test_custom_theme", trim($process->getOutput()), $process->getErrorOutput());
        $this->assertSame(0, $result);
        $info = $this->assertThemeExists('themes/test_custom_theme');
        self::assertArrayNotHasKey('hidden', $info);
        self::assertArrayHasKey('generator', $info);
        self::assertEquals('starterkit_theme:7.x-dev#unknown-commit', $info['generator']);
     * Tests the generate-theme command on a theme with a dev version without git.
    public function testContribStarterkitDevSnapshotWithGitNotInstalled() : void {
        // Change the version to a development snapshot version number, to simulate
        // using a contrib theme as the starterkit.
        $starterkit_info_yml = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/core/themes/starterkit_theme/';
        $info = Yaml::decode(file_get_contents($starterkit_info_yml));
        $info['core_version_requirement'] = '*';
        $info['version'] = '7.x-dev';
        file_put_contents($starterkit_info_yml, Yaml::encode($info));
        // Avoid the core git commit from being considered the source theme's: move
        // it out of core.
        Process::fromShellCommandline('mv core/themes/starterkit_theme themes/', $this->getWorkspaceDirectory())
        // Confirm that 'git' is available.
        $output = [];
        exec('git --help', $output, $status);
        $this->assertEquals(0, $status);
        // Modify our $PATH so that it begins with a path that contains an
        // executable script named 'git' that always exits with 127, as if git were
        // not found. Note that we run our tests using process isolation, so we do
        // not need to restore the PATH when we are done.
        $unavailableGitPath = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/bin';
        $bash = <<<SH
exit 127

        file_put_contents($unavailableGitPath . '/git', $bash);
        chmod($unavailableGitPath . '/git', 0755);
        // Confirm that 'git' is no longer available.
        $env = [
            'PATH' => $unavailableGitPath . ':' . getenv('PATH'),
            'COLUMNS' => 80,
        $process = new Process([
        ], NULL, $env);
        $this->assertEquals(127, $process->getExitCode(), 'Fake git used by process.');
        $process = $this->generateThemeFromStarterkit($env);
        $result = $process->run();
        $this->assertEquals("[ERROR] The source theme starterkit_theme has a development version number     \n         (7.x-dev). Determining a specific commit is not possible because git is\n         not installed. Either install git or use a tagged release to generate a\n         theme.", trim($process->getOutput()), $process->getErrorOutput());
        $this->assertSame(1, $result);
        $this->assertFileDoesNotExist($this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . "/themes/test_custom_theme");
     * Tests the generate-theme command on a theme without a version number.
    public function testCustomStarterkit() : void {
        // Omit the version, to simulate using a custom theme as the starterkit.
        $starterkit_info_yml = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/core/themes/starterkit_theme/';
        $info = Yaml::decode(file_get_contents($starterkit_info_yml));
        file_put_contents($starterkit_info_yml, Yaml::encode($info));
        $process = $this->generateThemeFromStarterkit();
        $result = $process->run();
        $this->assertEquals("The source theme starterkit_theme does not have a version specified. This makes tracking changes in the source theme difficult. Are you sure you want to continue? (yes/no) [yes]:\n > Theme generated successfully to themes/test_custom_theme", trim($process->getOutput()), $process->getErrorOutput());
        $this->assertSame(0, $result);
        $info = $this->assertThemeExists('themes/test_custom_theme');
        self::assertArrayNotHasKey('hidden', $info);
        self::assertArrayHasKey('generator', $info);
        self::assertEquals('starterkit_theme:unknown-version', $info['generator']);
     * Tests themes that do not exist return an error.
    public function testThemeDoesNotExist() : void {
        $install_command = [
            '--name="Test custom starterkit theme"',
            '--description="Custom theme generated from a starterkit theme"',
        $process = new Process($install_command, NULL);
        $result = $process->run();
        $this->assertStringContainsString('Theme source theme foobarbaz cannot be found.', trim($process->getErrorOutput()));
        $this->assertSame(1, $result);
     * Tests that only themes with `starterkit` flag can be used.
    public function testStarterKitFlag() : void {
        // Explicitly not a starter theme.
        $install_command = [
            '--name="Test custom starterkit theme"',
            '--description="Custom theme generated from a starterkit theme"',
        $process = new Process($install_command, NULL);
        $result = $process->run();
        $this->assertStringContainsString('Theme source theme stark is not a valid starter kit.', trim($process->getErrorOutput()));
        $this->assertSame(1, $result);
        // Has not defined `starterkit`.
        $install_command = [
            '--name="Test custom starterkit theme"',
            '--description="Custom theme generated from a starterkit theme"',
        $process = new Process($install_command, NULL);
        $result = $process->run();
        $this->assertStringContainsString('Theme source theme olivero is not a valid starter kit.', trim($process->getErrorOutput()));
        $this->assertSame(1, $result);



Title Deprecated Summary
GenerateThemeTest Tests the generate-theme commands.

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