
Same filename in other branches
  1. 10 core/modules/update/tests/src/Functional/UpdateSemverTestBase.php
  2. 11.x core/modules/update/tests/src/Functional/UpdateSemverTestBase.php





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namespace Drupal\Tests\update\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Tests\Traits\Core\CronRunTrait;

 * Common test methods for projects that use semver version releases.
 * For classes that extend this class, the XML fixtures they will start with
 * ::$projectTitle.
 * @group update
abstract class UpdateSemverTestBase extends UpdateTestBase {
    use CronRunTrait;
     * Modules to enable.
     * @var array
    protected static $modules = [
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';
     * The title of the project being tested.
     * @var string
    protected $projectTitle;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() : void {
        $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
            'administer site configuration',
            'view update notifications',
     * Tests the Update Manager module when no updates are available.
     * The XML fixture file 'drupal.1.0.xml' which is one of the XML files this
     * test uses also contains 2 extra releases that are newer than '8.0.1'. These
     * releases will not show as available updates because of the following
     * reasons:
     * - '8.0.2' is an unpublished release.
     * - '8.0.3' is marked as 'Release type' 'Unsupported'.
    public function testNoUpdatesAvailable() {
        foreach ([
        ] as $minor_version) {
            foreach ([
            ] as $patch_version) {
                foreach ([
                ] as $extra_version) {
                    $this->setProjectInstalledVersion("8.{$minor_version}.{$patch_version}" . $extra_version);
                        $this->updateProject => "{$minor_version}.{$patch_version}" . $extra_version,
                    // The XML test fixtures for this method all contain the '8.2.0'
                    // release but because '8.2.0' is not in a supported branch it will
                    // not be in the available updates.
                    $this->assertUpdateTableTextContains('Up to date');
                    $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Update available');
                    $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Security update required!');
     * Tests the Update Manager module when one normal update is available.
    public function testNormalUpdateAvailable() {
        // Ensure that the update check requires a token.
        foreach ([
        ] as $minor_version) {
            foreach ([
            ] as $extra_version) {
                $full_version = "8.{$minor_version}.1{$extra_version}";
                    $this->updateProject => "{$minor_version}.1" . $extra_version,
                $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Security update required!');
                // The XML test fixtures for this method all contain the '8.2.0' release
                // but because '8.2.0' is not in a supported branch it will not be in
                // the available updates.
                switch ($minor_version) {
                    case 0:
                        // Both stable and unstable releases are available.
                        // A stable release is the latest.
                        if ($extra_version == '') {
                            $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Up to date');
                            $this->assertUpdateTableTextContains('Update available');
                            $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Recommended version:', $full_version);
                            $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Latest version:');
                        else {
                            $this->assertUpdateTableTextContains('Up to date');
                            $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Update available');
                            $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Recommended version:');
                            $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Latest version:', $full_version);
                    case 1:
                        // Both stable and unstable releases are available.
                        // A stable release is the latest.
                        if ($extra_version == '') {
                            $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Up to date');
                            $this->assertUpdateTableTextContains('Update available');
                            $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Recommended version:', $full_version);
                            $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Latest version:');
                        else {
                            $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Up to date');
                            $this->assertUpdateTableTextContains('Update available');
                            $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Recommended version:', '8.1.0');
                            $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Latest version:', $full_version);
     * Tests the Update Manager module when a major update is available.
    public function testMajorUpdateAvailable() {
        foreach ([
        ] as $minor_version) {
            foreach ([
            ] as $patch_version) {
                foreach ([
                ] as $extra_version) {
                    $this->setProjectInstalledVersion("8.{$minor_version}.{$patch_version}" . $extra_version);
                        $this->updateProject => '9',
                    $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Security update required!');
                    $this->assertUpdateTableElementContains(Link::fromTextAndUrl('9.0.0', Url::fromUri("http://example.com/{$this->updateProject}-9-0-0-release"))
                    $this->assertUpdateTableElementContains(Link::fromTextAndUrl('Release notes', Url::fromUri("http://example.com/{$this->updateProject}-9-0-0-release"))
                    $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Up to date');
                    $this->assertUpdateTableTextContains('Not supported!');
                    $this->assertUpdateTableTextContains('Recommended version:');
                    $this->assertUpdateTableTextNotContains('Latest version:');
     * Tests the Update Manager module when a security update is available.
     * @param string $site_patch_version
     *   The patch version to set the site to for testing.
     * @param string[] $expected_security_releases
     *   The security releases, if any, that the status report should recommend.
     * @param string $expected_update_message_type
     *   The type of update message expected.
     * @param string $fixture
     *   The test fixture that contains the test XML.
     * @dataProvider securityUpdateAvailabilityProvider
    public function testSecurityUpdateAvailability($site_patch_version, array $expected_security_releases, $expected_update_message_type, $fixture) {
            $this->updateProject => $fixture,
        $this->assertSecurityUpdates("{$this->updateProject}-8", $expected_security_releases, $expected_update_message_type, $this->updateTableLocator);
     * Data provider method for testSecurityUpdateAvailability().
     * These test cases rely on the following fixtures containing the following
     * releases:
     * - [::$updateProject].sec.0.1_0.2.xml
     *   - 8.0.2 Security update
     *   - 8.0.1 Security update, Insecure
     *   - 8.0.0 Insecure
     * - [::$updateProject].sec.0.2.xml
     *   - 8.0.2 Security update
     *   - 8.0.1 Insecure
     *   - 8.0.0 Insecure
     * - [::$updateProject].sec.2.0-rc2.xml
     *   - 8.2.0-rc2 Security update
     *   - 8.2.0-rc1 Insecure
     *   - 8.2.0-beta2 Insecure
     *   - 8.2.0-beta1 Insecure
     *   - 8.2.0-alpha2 Insecure
     *   - 8.2.0-alpha1 Insecure
     *   - 8.1.2 Security update
     *   - 8.1.1 Insecure
     *   - 8.1.0 Insecure
     *   - 8.0.2 Security update
     *   - 8.0.1 Insecure
     *   - 8.0.0 Insecure
     * - [::$updateProject].sec.1.2.xml
     *   - 8.1.2 Security update
     *   - 8.1.1 Insecure
     *   - 8.1.0 Insecure
     *   - 8.0.2
     *   - 8.0.1
     *   - 8.0.0
     * - [::$updateProject].sec.1.2_insecure.xml
     *   - 8.1.2 Security update
     *   - 8.1.1 Insecure
     *   - 8.1.0 Insecure
     *   - 8.0.2 Insecure
     *   - 8.0.1 Insecure
     *   - 8.0.0 Insecure
     * - [::$updateProject].sec.1.2_insecure-unsupported
     *   This file has the exact releases as
     *   [::$updateProject].sec.1.2_insecure.xml. It has a different value for
     *   'supported_branches' that does not contain '8.0.'. It is used to ensure
     *   that the "Security update required!" is displayed even if the currently
     *   installed version is in an unsupported branch.
     * - [::$updateProject].sec.2.0-rc2-b.xml
     *   - 8.2.0-rc2
     *   - 8.2.0-rc1
     *   - 8.2.0-beta2
     *   - 8.2.0-beta1
     *   - 8.2.0-alpha2
     *   - 8.2.0-alpha1
     *   - 8.1.2 Security update
     *   - 8.1.1 Insecure
     *   - 8.1.0 Insecure
     *   - 8.0.2 Security update
     *   - 8.0.1 Insecure
     *   - 8.0.0 Insecure
    public function securityUpdateAvailabilityProvider() {
        $test_cases = [
            // Security release available for site minor release 0.
            // No releases for next minor.
'0.0, 0.2' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '0.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.0.2',
            // Site on latest security release available for site minor release 0.
            // Minor release 1 also has a security release, and the current release
            // is marked as insecure.
'0.2, 0.2' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '0.2',
                'expected_security_release' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::UPDATE_AVAILABLE,
                'fixture' => 'sec.2.0-rc2',
            // Two security releases available for site minor release 0.
            // 0.1 security release marked as insecure.
            // No releases for next minor.
'0.0, 0.1 0.2' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '0.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.0.1_0.2',
            // Security release available for site minor release 1.
            // No releases for next minor.
'1.0, 1.2' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '1.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.1.2',
            // Security release available for site minor release 0.
            // Security release also available for next minor.
'0.0, 0.2 1.2' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '0.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.2.0-rc2',
            // No newer security release for site minor 1.
            // Previous minor has security release.
'1.2, 0.2 1.2' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '1.2',
                'expected_security_releases' => [],
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::UPDATE_NONE,
                'fixture' => 'sec.2.0-rc2',
            // No security release available for site minor release 0.
            // Security release available for next minor.
'0.0, 1.2, insecure' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '0.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.1.2_insecure',
            // No security release available for site minor release 0.
            // Site minor is not a supported branch.
            // Security release available for next minor.
'0.0, 1.2, insecure-unsupported' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '0.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.1.2_insecure-unsupported',
            // All releases for minor 0 are secure.
            // Security release available for next minor.
'0.0, 1.2, secure' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '0.0',
                'expected_security_release' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::UPDATE_AVAILABLE,
                'fixture' => 'sec.1.2',
            '0.2, 1.2, secure' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '0.2',
                'expected_security_release' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::UPDATE_AVAILABLE,
                'fixture' => 'sec.1.2',
            // Site on 2.0-rc2 which is a security release.
'2.0-rc2, 0.2 1.2' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '2.0-rc2',
                'expected_security_releases' => [],
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::UPDATE_NONE,
                'fixture' => 'sec.2.0-rc2',
            // Ensure that 8.0.2 security release is not shown because it is earlier
            // version than 1.0.
'1.0, 0.2 1.2' => [
                'site_patch_version' => '1.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.2.0-rc2',
        $pre_releases = [
        foreach ($pre_releases as $pre_release) {
            // If the site is on an alpha/beta/RC of an upcoming minor and none of the
            // alpha/beta/RC versions are marked insecure, no security update should
            // be required.
            $test_cases["Pre-release:{$pre_release}, no security update"] = [
                'site_patch_version' => $pre_release,
                'expected_security_releases' => [],
                'expected_update_message_type' => $pre_release === '2.0-rc2' ? static::UPDATE_NONE : static::UPDATE_AVAILABLE,
                'fixture' => 'sec.2.0-rc2-b',
            // If the site is on an alpha/beta/RC of an upcoming minor and there is
            // an RC version with a security update, it should be recommended.
            $test_cases["Pre-release:{$pre_release}, security update"] = [
                'site_patch_version' => $pre_release,
                'expected_security_releases' => $pre_release === '2.0-rc2' ? [] : [
                'expected_update_message_type' => $pre_release === '2.0-rc2' ? static::UPDATE_NONE : static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.2.0-rc2',
        return $test_cases;
     * Tests messages when a project release is unpublished.
     * This test confirms that revoked messages are displayed regardless of
     * whether the installed version is in a supported branch or not. This test
     * relies on 2 test XML fixtures that are identical except for the
     * 'supported_branches' value:
     * - [::$updateProject].1.0.xml
     *    'supported_branches' is '8.0.,8.1.'.
     * - [::$updateProject].1.0-unsupported.xml
     *    'supported_branches' is '8.1.'.
     * They both have an '8.0.2' release that is unpublished and an '8.1.0'
     * release that is published and is the expected update.
    public function testRevokedRelease() {
        foreach ([
        ] as $fixture) {
                $this->updateProject => $fixture,
            $this->confirmRevokedStatus('8.0.2', '8.1.0', 'Recommended version:');
     * Tests messages when a project release is marked unsupported.
     * This test confirms unsupported messages are displayed regardless of whether
     * the installed version is in a supported branch or not. This test relies on
     * 2 test XML fixtures that are identical except for the 'supported_branches'
     * value:
     * - [::$updateProject].1.0.xml
     *    'supported_branches' is '8.0.,8.1.'.
     * - [::$updateProject].1.0-unsupported.xml
     *    'supported_branches' is '8.1.'.
     * They both have an '8.0.3' release that has the 'Release type' value of
     * 'unsupported' and an '8.1.0' release that has the 'Release type' value of
     * 'supported' and is the expected update.
    public function testUnsupportedRelease() {
        foreach ([
        ] as $fixture) {
                $this->updateProject => $fixture,
            $this->confirmUnsupportedStatus('8.0.3', '8.1.0', 'Recommended version:');
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function refreshUpdateStatus($xml_map, $url = 'update-test') {
        if (!isset($xml_map['drupal'])) {
            $xml_map['drupal'] = '0.0';
        parent::refreshUpdateStatus($xml_map, $url);
     * Sets the project installed version.
     * @param string $version
     *   The version number.
    protected abstract function setProjectInstalledVersion($version);



Title Deprecated Summary
UpdateSemverTestBase Common test methods for projects that use semver version releases.

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