Same filename in other branches
  1. 10 core/modules/sdc/



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  1. services:
  2. _defaults:
  3. public: false
  4. # Twig loader to allow embedding templates with a component identifier.
  5. # Note that this service name is not guaranteed to remain the same once this
  6. # module is out of the experimental phase.
  7. Drupal\sdc\Twig\TwigComponentLoader:
  8. arguments:
  9. - '@plugin.manager.sdc'
  10. - ''
  11. tags:
  12. - { name: twig.loader, priority: 5 }
  13. # Note that this service name is not guaranteed to remain the same once this
  14. # module is out of the experimental phase.
  15. Drupal\sdc\ComponentNegotiator:
  16. arguments:
  17. - '@theme.manager'
  18. - '@extension.list.module'
  19. # Note that this service name is not guaranteed to remain the same once this
  20. # module is out of the experimental phase.
  21. Drupal\sdc\Twig\TwigExtension:
  22. arguments:
  23. - '@plugin.manager.sdc'
  24. - '@Drupal\sdc\Component\ComponentValidator'
  25. tags:
  26. - { name: twig.extension }
  27. # This service is part of the module's API and it's guaranteed to have the
  28. # same name once the module is stable.
  29. plugin.manager.sdc:
  30. public: true
  31. class: Drupal\sdc\ComponentPluginManager
  32. arguments:
  33. - '@module_handler'
  34. - '@theme_handler'
  35. - '@cache.discovery'
  36. - '@config.factory'
  37. - '@theme.manager'
  38. - '@Drupal\sdc\ComponentNegotiator'
  39. - '@file_system'
  40. - '@Drupal\sdc\Component\SchemaCompatibilityChecker'
  41. - '@Drupal\sdc\Component\ComponentValidator'
  42. - '%app.root%'
  43. # Note that this service name is not guaranteed to remain the same once this
  44. # module is out of the experimental phase.
  45. Drupal\sdc\Component\SchemaCompatibilityChecker: {}
  46. # Note that this service name is not guaranteed to remain the same once this
  47. # module is out of the experimental phase.
  48. Drupal\sdc\Component\ComponentValidator:
  49. calls:
  50. - [setValidator, []]


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