
Same filename in this branch
  1. 11.x core/modules/package_manager/tests/src/Unit/StageBaseTest.php





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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Kernel;

use Drupal\Component\Datetime\Time;
use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleUninstallValidatorException;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\CollectPathsToExcludeEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PostApplyEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PostCreateEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PostRequireEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PreApplyEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PreCreateEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\PreRequireEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Event\StageEvent;
use Drupal\package_manager\Exception\ApplyFailedException;
use Drupal\package_manager\Exception\StageEventException;
use Drupal\package_manager\Exception\StageException;
use Drupal\package_manager\Exception\StageFailureMarkerException;
use Drupal\package_manager\FailureMarker;
use Drupal\package_manager\PathLocator;
use Drupal\package_manager\Validator\WritableFileSystemValidator;
use Drupal\package_manager_bypass\LoggingBeginner;
use Drupal\package_manager_bypass\LoggingCommitter;
use Drupal\package_manager_bypass\NoOpStager;
use Drupal\package_manager_test_validation\EventSubscriber\TestSubscriber;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Core\BeginnerInterface;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Core\CommitterInterface;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Core\StagerInterface;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Exception\ExceptionInterface;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Exception\PreconditionException;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Precondition\Service\PreconditionInterface;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
use ColinODell\PsrTestLogger\TestLogger;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\package_manager\StageBase
 * @covers \Drupal\package_manager\PackageManagerUninstallValidator
 * @group package_manager
 * @internal
class StageBaseTest extends PackageManagerKernelTestBase {
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected static $modules = [
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function register(ContainerBuilder $container) : void {
        // Since this test adds arbitrary event listeners that aren't services, we
        // need to ensure they will persist even if the container is rebuilt when
        // staged changes are applied.
     * Data provider for testLoggedOnError().
     * @return string[][]
     *   The test cases.
    public static function providerLoggedOnError() : array {
        return [
     * @covers \Drupal\package_manager\StageBase::dispatch
     * @dataProvider providerLoggedOnError
     * @param string $event_class
     *   The event class to throw an exception on.
    public function testLoggedOnError(string $event_class) : void {
        $exception = new \Exception("This should be logged!");
        TestSubscriber::setException($exception, $event_class);
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $logger = new TestLogger();
        try {
            $this->fail('Expected an exception to be thrown, but none was.');
        } catch (StageEventException $e) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf($event_class, $e->event);
            $predicate = function (array $record) use ($e) : bool {
                $context = $record['context'];
                return $context['@message'] === $e->getMessage() && str_contains($context['@backtrace_string'], 'testLoggedOnError');
            $this->assertTrue($logger->hasRecordThatPasses($predicate, LogLevel::ERROR));
     * @covers ::getMetadata
     * @covers ::setMetadata
    public function testMetadata() : void {
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $stage->setMetadata('new_key', 'value');
        $this->assertSame('value', $stage->getMetadata('new_key'));
        // Ensure that metadata associated with the previous stage was deleted.
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        // Ensure metadata cannot be accessed or set unless the stage has been
        // claimed.
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        try {
            $this->fail('Expected an ownership exception, but none was thrown.');
        } catch (\LogicException $e) {
            $this->assertSame('Stage must be claimed before performing any operations on it.', $e->getMessage());
        try {
            $stage->setMetadata('new_key', 'value');
            $this->fail('Expected an ownership exception, but none was thrown.');
        } catch (\LogicException $e) {
            $this->assertSame('Stage must be claimed before performing any operations on it.', $e->getMessage());
     * @covers ::getStageDirectory
    public function testGetStageDirectory() : void {
        // In this test, we're working with paths that (probably) don't exist in
        // the file system at all, so we don't want to validate that the file system
        // is writable when creating stages.
        $validator = $this->container
        /** @var \Drupal\package_manager_bypass\MockPathLocator $path_locator */
        $path_locator = $this->container
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $id = $stage->create();
        $stage_dir = $stage->getStageDirectory();
        $this->assertStringStartsWith($path_locator->getStagingRoot() . '/', $stage_dir);
        $this->assertStringEndsWith("/{$id}", $stage_dir);
        // If the stage root directory is changed, the existing stage shouldn't be
        // affected...
        $active_dir = $path_locator->getProjectRoot();
        $new_staging_root = $this->testProjectRoot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'junk';
        if (!is_dir($new_staging_root)) {
        $path_locator->setPaths($active_dir, "{$active_dir}/vendor", '', $new_staging_root);
        $this->assertSame($stage_dir, $stage->getStageDirectory());
        // ...but a new stage should be.
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $another_id = $stage->create();
        $this->assertNotSame($id, $another_id);
        $stage_dir = $stage->getStageDirectory();
        $this->assertStringStartsWith(realpath($new_staging_root), $stage_dir);
        $this->assertStringEndsWith("/{$another_id}", $stage_dir);
     * @covers ::getStageDirectory
    public function testUncreatedGetStageDirectory() : void {
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Drupal\\package_manager\\StageBase::getStageDirectory() cannot be called because the stage has not been created or claimed.');
     * Data provider for testDestroyDuringApply().
     * @return mixed[][]
     *   The test cases.
    public static function providerDestroyDuringApply() : array {
        $error_message_while_being_applied = 'Cannot destroy the stage directory while it is being applied to the active directory.';
        return [
            'force destroy on pre-apply, fresh' => [
            'destroy on pre-apply, fresh' => [
            'force destroy on pre-apply, stale' => [
                'Stage directory does not exist',
            'destroy on pre-apply, stale' => [
                'Stage directory does not exist',
            'force destroy on post-apply, fresh' => [
            'destroy on post-apply, fresh' => [
            'force destroy on post-apply, stale' => [
            'destroy on post-apply, stale' => [
     * Tests destroying a stage while applying it.
     * @param string $event_class
     *   The event class for which to attempt to destroy the stage.
     * @param bool $force
     *   Whether the stage should be force destroyed.
     * @param int $time_offset
     *   How many simulated seconds should have elapsed between the PreApplyEvent
     *   being dispatched and the attempt to destroy the stage.
     * @param string|null $expected_exception_message
     *   The expected exception message string if an exception is expected, or
     *   NULL if no exception message was expected.
     * @dataProvider providerDestroyDuringApply
    public function testDestroyDuringApply(string $event_class, bool $force, int $time_offset, ?string $expected_exception_message) : void {
        $listener = function (StageEvent $event) use ($force, $time_offset) : void {
            // Simulate that a certain amount of time has passed since we started
            // applying staged changes. After a point, it should be possible to
            // destroy the stage even if it hasn't finished.
            TestTime::$offset = $time_offset;
            // No real-life event subscriber should try to destroy the stage while
            // handling another event. The only reason we're doing it here is to
            // simulate an attempt to destroy the stage while it's being applied, for
            // testing purposes.
            LoggingCommitter::setException(PreconditionException::class, $this->createMock(PreconditionInterface::class), $this->createComposeStagerMessage('Stage directory does not exist'));
        $this->addEventTestListener($listener, $event_class, 0);
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        if ($expected_exception_message) {
        // If the stage was successfully destroyed by the event handler (i.e., the
        // stage has been applying for too long and is therefore considered stale),
        // the postApply() method should fail because the stage is not claimed.
        if ($stage->isAvailable()) {
            $this->expectExceptionMessage('Stage must be claimed before performing any operations on it.');
     * Test uninstalling any module while the staged changes are being applied.
    public function testUninstallModuleDuringApply() : void {
        $listener = function (PreApplyEvent $event) : void {
            // Trying to uninstall any module while the stage is being applied should
            // result in a module uninstall validation error.
            try {
                $this->fail('Expected an exception to be thrown while uninstalling a module.');
            } catch (ModuleUninstallValidatorException $e) {
                $this->assertStringContainsString('Modules cannot be uninstalled while Package Manager is applying staged changes to the active code base.', $e->getMessage());
        $stage = $this->createStage();
     * Tests that Composer Stager is invoked with a long timeout.
    public function testTimeouts() : void {
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $timeouts = [
            // The beginner was given an explicit timeout.
BeginnerInterface::class => 420,
            // The stager should be called with a timeout of 300 seconds, which is
            // longer than Composer Stager's default timeout of 120 seconds.
StagerInterface::class => 300,
            // The committer should have been called with an even longer timeout,
            // since it's the most failure-sensitive operation.
CommitterInterface::class => 600,
        foreach ($timeouts as $service_id => $expected_timeout) {
            $invocations = $this->container
            // The services should have been called with the expected timeouts.
            $expected_count = 1;
            if ($service_id === StagerInterface::class) {
                // Stage::require() calls Stager::stage() twice, once to change the
                // version constraints in composer.json, and again to actually update
                // the installed dependencies.
                $expected_count = 2;
            $this->assertCount($expected_count, $invocations);
            $this->assertSame($expected_timeout, end($invocations[0]));
     * Data provider for testCommitException().
     * @return \string[][]
     *   The test cases.
    public static function providerCommitException() : array {
        return [
            'RuntimeException to ApplyFailedException' => [
            'InvalidArgumentException' => [
            'PreconditionException' => [
            'Exception' => [
     * Tests exception handling during calls to Composer Stager commit.
     * @param string $thrown_class
     *   The throwable class that should be thrown by Composer Stager.
     * @param string $expected_class
     *   The expected exception class, if different from $thrown_class.
     * @dataProvider providerCommitException
    public function testCommitException(string $thrown_class, string $expected_class) : void {
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $throwable_arguments = [
            'A very bad thing happened',
        // Composer Stager's exception messages are usually translatable, so they
        // need to be wrapped by a TranslatableMessage object.
        if (is_subclass_of($thrown_class, ExceptionInterface::class)) {
            $throwable_arguments[0] = $this->createComposeStagerMessage($throwable_arguments[0]);
        // PreconditionException requires a preconditions object.
        if ($thrown_class === PreconditionException::class) {
            array_unshift($throwable_arguments, $this->createMock(PreconditionInterface::class));
        LoggingCommitter::setException($thrown_class, ...$throwable_arguments);
        try {
            $this->fail('Expected an exception.');
        } catch (\Throwable $exception) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf($expected_class, $exception);
            $this->assertSame(123, $exception->getCode());
            // This needs to be done because we always use the message from
            // \Drupal\package_manager\Stage::getFailureMarkerMessage() when throwing
            // ApplyFailedException.
            if ($expected_class == ApplyFailedException::class) {
                $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression("/^Staged changes failed to apply, and the site is in an indeterminate state. It is strongly recommended to restore the code and database from a backup. Caused by {$thrown_class}, with this message: A very bad thing happened\nBacktrace:\n#0 .*/", $exception->getMessage());
            else {
                $this->assertSame('A very bad thing happened', $exception->getMessage());
            $failure_marker = $this->container
            if ($exception instanceof ApplyFailedException) {
            else {
     * Tests that if a stage fails to apply, another stage cannot be created.
    public function testFailureMarkerPreventsCreate() : void {
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        // Make the committer throw an exception, which should cause the failure
        // marker to be present.
        $thrown_message = 'Thrown by the committer.';
        LoggingCommitter::setException(\Exception::class, $thrown_message);
        try {
            $this->fail('Expected an exception.');
        } catch (ApplyFailedException $e) {
            $this->assertStringContainsString($thrown_message, $e->getMessage());
        // Even through the previous stage was destroyed, we cannot create a new one
        // because the failure marker is still there.
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        try {
            $this->fail('Expected an exception.');
        } catch (StageFailureMarkerException $e) {
            $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/^Staged changes failed to apply, and the site is in an indeterminate state. It is strongly recommended to restore the code and database from a backup. Caused by Exception, with this message: ' . $thrown_message . "\nBacktrace:\n#0 .*/", $e->getMessage());
        // If the failure marker is cleared, we should be able to create the stage
        // without issue.
     * Tests that the failure marker file doesn't exist if apply succeeds.
     * @see ::testCommitException
    public function testNoFailureFileOnSuccess() : void {
        $stage = $this->createStage();
     * Data provider for testStoreDestroyInfo().
     * @return \string[][]
     *   The test cases.
    public static function providerStoreDestroyInfo() : array {
        return [
            'Changes applied' => [
                'This operation has already been applied.',
            'Changes not applied and forced' => [
                'This operation was canceled by another user.',
            'Changes not applied and not forced' => [
                'This operation was already canceled.',
            'Changes applied, with a custom exception message.' => [
                t('Stage destroyed with a custom message.'),
                'Stage destroyed with a custom message.',
            'Changes not applied and forced, with a custom exception message.' => [
                t('Stage destroyed with a custom message.'),
                'Stage destroyed with a custom message.',
            'Changes not applied and not forced, with a custom exception message.' => [
                t('Stage destroyed with a custom message.'),
                'Stage destroyed with a custom message.',
     * Tests exceptions thrown because of previously destroyed stage.
     * @param bool $force
     *   Whether the stage was forcefully destroyed.
     * @param bool $changes_applied
     *   Whether the changes are applied.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup|null $message
     *   A message about why the stage was destroyed or null.
     * @param string $expected_exception_message
     *   The expected exception message string.
     * @dataProvider providerStoreDestroyInfo
    public function testStoreDestroyInfo(bool $force, bool $changes_applied, ?TranslatableMarkup $message, string $expected_exception_message) : void {
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $stage_id = $stage->create();
        $tempstore = $this->container
        // Simulate whether ::apply() has run or not.
        // @see \Drupal\package_manager\Stage::TEMPSTORE_CHANGES_APPLIED
            ->set('changes_applied', $changes_applied);
        $stage->destroy($force, $message);
        // Prove the first stage was destroyed: a second stage can be created
        // without an exception being thrown.
        $stage2 = $this->createStage();
        // Claiming the first stage always fails in this test because it was
        // destroyed, but the exception message depends on why it was destroyed.
     * Tests exception message once temp store message has expired.
    public function testTempStoreMessageExpired() : void {
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $stage_id = $stage->create();
        $stage->destroy(TRUE, t('Force destroy stage.'));
        // Delete the tempstore message stored for the previously destroyed stage.
        $tempstore = $this->container
        // @see \Drupal\package_manager\Stage::TEMPSTORE_DESTROYED_STAGES_INFO_PREFIX
            ->delete('TEMPSTORE_DESTROYED_STAGES_INFO' . $stage_id);
        // Claiming the stage will fail, but we won't get the message we set in
        // \Drupal\package_manager\Stage::storeDestroyInfo() as we are deleting it
        // above.
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot claim the stage because no stage has been created.');
     * Tests running apply and post-apply in the same request.
    public function testApplyAndPostApplyInSameRequest() : void {
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $logger = new TestLogger();
        $warning_message = 'Post-apply tasks are running in the same request during which staged changes were applied to the active code base. This can result in unpredictable behavior.';
        // Run apply and post-apply in the same request (i.e., the same request
        // time), and ensure the warning is logged.
        $this->assertTrue($logger->hasRecord($warning_message, LogLevel::WARNING));
        // Simulate post-apply taking place in another request by simulating a
        // request time 30 seconds after apply started.
        TestTime::$offset = 30;
        $this->assertFalse($logger->hasRecord($warning_message, LogLevel::WARNING));
     * Data provider for ::testFailureDuringComposerStagerOperations().
     * @return array[]
     *   The test cases.
    public static function providerFailureDuringComposerStagerOperations() : array {
        return [
     * Tests when Composer Stager throws an exception during an operation.
     * @param class-string $throwing_class
     *   The fully qualified name of the Composer Stager class that should throw
     *   an exception. It is expected to have a static ::setException() method,
     *   provided by \Drupal\package_manager_bypass\ComposerStagerExceptionTrait.
     * @dataProvider providerFailureDuringComposerStagerOperations
    public function testFailureDuringComposerStagerOperations(string $throwing_class) : void {
        $exception_message = "{$throwing_class} is angry!";
        $throwing_class::setException(\Exception::class, $exception_message, 1024);
        $expected_message = preg_quote($exception_message);
        if ($throwing_class === LoggingCommitter::class) {
            $expected_message = "/^Staged changes failed to apply, and the site is in an indeterminate state. It is strongly recommended to restore the code and database from a backup. Caused by Exception, with this message: {$expected_message}\nBacktrace:\n#0 .*/";
        else {
            $expected_message = "/^{$expected_message}\$/";
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        try {
            $this->fail('Expected an exception to be thrown, but it was not.');
        } catch (StageException $e) {
            $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression($expected_message, $e->getMessage());
            $this->assertSame(1024, $e->getCode());
            $this->assertInstanceOf(\Exception::class, $e->getPrevious());
     * Tests that paths to exclude are collected before create and apply.
    public function testCollectPathsToExclude() : void {
        $this->addEventTestListener(function (CollectPathsToExcludeEvent $event) : void {
        }, CollectPathsToExcludeEvent::class);
        // On pre-create and pre-apply, ensure that the excluded path is known to
        // the event.
        $asserted = FALSE;
        $assert_excluded = function (object $event) use (&$asserted) : void {
            $this->assertContains('exclude/me', $event->excludedPaths
            // Use this to confirm that this listener was actually called.
            $asserted = TRUE;
        $this->addEventTestListener($assert_excluded, PreCreateEvent::class);
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $asserted = FALSE;
     * Tests that the failure marker file is excluded using a relative path.
    public function testFailureMarkerFileExcluded() : void {
        /** @var \Drupal\package_manager_bypass\LoggingCommitter $committer */
        $committer = $this->container
        $committer_args = $committer->getInvocationArguments();
        $this->assertCount(1, $committer_args);
        $this->assertContains('PACKAGE_MANAGER_FAILURE.yml', $committer_args[0][2]);
     * Tests that if a stage fails to get paths to exclude, throws a stage exception.
    public function testFailureCollectPathsToExclude() : void {
        $project_root = $this->container
        unlink($project_root . '/composer.json');
        $this->expectExceptionMessage("composer.json not found.");
     * Tests that if apply fails to get paths to exclude, throws a stage exception.
    public function testFailureCollectPathsToExcludeOnApply() : void {
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $this->expectExceptionMessage("composer.json not found.");
        unlink($stage->getStageDirectory() . '/composer.json');
     * @covers ::stageDirectoryExists
    public function testStageDirectoryExists() : void {
        // Ensure that stageDirectoryExists() returns an accurate result during
        // pre-create.
        $listener = function (StageEvent $event) : void {
            $stage = $event->stage;
            // The directory should not exist yet, because we are still in pre-create.
        $this->addEventTestListener($listener, PreCreateEvent::class);
        $stage = $this->createStage();
     * Tests that destroyed stage directories are actually deleted during cron.
     * @covers ::destroy
     * @covers \Drupal\package_manager\Plugin\QueueWorker\Cleaner
    public function testStageDirectoryDeletedDuringCron() : void {
        $stage = $this->createStage();
        $dir = $stage->getStageDirectory();
        // The stage directory should still exist, but the stage should be
        // available.


 * A test-only implementation of the time service.
class TestTime extends Time {
     * An offset to add to the request time.
     * @var int
    public static $offset = 0;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getRequestTime() {
        return parent::getRequestTime() + static::$offset;



Title Deprecated Summary
StageBaseTest @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\package_manager\StageBase @covers \Drupal\package_manager\PackageManagerUninstallValidator @group package_manager @internal
TestTime A test-only implementation of the time service.

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