
Same filename in other branches
  1. 7.x modules/node/tests/node_access_test.module
  2. 9 core/modules/node/tests/modules/node_access_test/node_access_test.module
  3. 10 core/modules/node/tests/modules/node_access_test/node_access_test.module
  4. 11.x core/modules/node/tests/modules/node_access_test/node_access_test.module

Test module for testing the node access system.

This module's functionality depends on the following state variables:

  • node_access_test.no_access_uid: Used in NodeQueryAlterTest to enable the node_access_all grant realm.
  • node_access_test.private: When TRUE, the module controls access for nodes with a 'private' property set, and inherits the default core access for nodes without this flag. When FALSE, the module controls access for all nodes.
  • node_access_test_secret_catalan: When set to TRUE and using the Catalan 'ca' language code, makes all Catalan content secret.

See also






View source

 * @file
 * Test module for testing the node access system.
 * This module's functionality depends on the following state variables:
 * - node_access_test.no_access_uid: Used in NodeQueryAlterTest to enable the
 *   node_access_all grant realm.
 * - node_access_test.private: When TRUE, the module controls access for nodes
 *   with a 'private' property set, and inherits the default core access for
 *   nodes without this flag. When FALSE, the module controls access for all
 *   nodes.
 * - node_access_test_secret_catalan: When set to TRUE and using the Catalan
 *   'ca' language code, makes all Catalan content secret.
 * @see node_access_test_node_grants()
 * @see \Drupal\node\Tests\NodeQueryAlterTest
 * @see \Drupal\node\Tests\NodeAccessBaseTableTest
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\node\NodeTypeInterface;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;

 * Implements hook_node_grants().
 * Provides three grant realms:
 * - node_access_test_author: Grants users view, update, and delete privileges
 *   on nodes they have authored. Users receive a group ID matching their user
 *   ID on this realm.
 * - node_access_test: Grants users view privileges when they have the
 *   'node test view' permission. Users with this permission receive two group
 *   IDs for the realm, 8888 and 8889. Access for both realms is identical;
 *   the second group is added so that the interaction of multiple groups on
 *   a given grant realm can be tested in NodeAccessPagerTest.
 * - node_access_all: Provides grants for the user whose user ID matches the
 *   'node_access_test.no_access_uid' state variable. Access control on this
 *   realm is not provided in this module; instead,
 *   NodeQueryAlterTest::testNodeQueryAlterOverride() manually writes a node
 *   access record defining the access control for this realm.
 * @see \Drupal\node\Tests\NodeQueryAlterTest::testNodeQueryAlterOverride()
 * @see \Drupal\node\Tests\NodeAccessPagerTest
 * @see node_access_test.permissions.yml
 * @see node_access_test_node_access_records()
function node_access_test_node_grants($account, $op) {
    $grants = [];
    $grants['node_access_test_author'] = [
    if ($op == 'view' && $account->hasPermission('node test view')) {
        $grants['node_access_test'] = [
    $no_access_uid = \Drupal::state()->get('node_access_test.no_access_uid') ?: 0;
    if ($op == 'view' && $account->id() == $no_access_uid) {
        $grants['node_access_all'] = [
    return $grants;

 * Implements hook_node_access_records().
 * By default, records are written for all nodes. When the
 * 'node_access_test.private' state variable is set to TRUE, records
 * are only written for nodes with a "private" property set, which causes the
 * Node module to write the default global view grant for nodes that are not
 * marked private.
 * @see \Drupal\node\Tests\NodeAccessBaseTableTest::setUp()
 * @see node_access_test_node_grants()
 * @see node_access_test.permissions.yml
function node_access_test_node_access_records(NodeInterface $node) {
    $grants = [];
    // For NodeAccessBaseTableTestCase, only set records for private nodes.
    if (!\Drupal::state()->get('node_access_test.private') || $node->private->value) {
        // Groups 8888 and 8889 for the node_access_test realm both receive a view
        // grant for all controlled nodes. See node_access_test_node_grants().
        $grants[] = [
            'realm' => 'node_access_test',
            'gid' => 8888,
            'grant_view' => 1,
            'grant_update' => 0,
            'grant_delete' => 0,
            'priority' => 0,
        $grants[] = [
            'realm' => 'node_access_test',
            'gid' => 8889,
            'grant_view' => 1,
            'grant_update' => 0,
            'grant_delete' => 0,
            'priority' => 0,
        // For the author realm, the group ID is equivalent to a user ID, which
        // means there are many many groups of just 1 user.
        $grants[] = [
            'realm' => 'node_access_test_author',
            'gid' => $node->getOwnerId(),
            'grant_view' => 1,
            'grant_update' => 1,
            'grant_delete' => 1,
            'priority' => 0,
    return $grants;

 * Adds the private field to a node type.
 * @param \Drupal\node\NodeTypeInterface $type
 *   A node type entity.
function node_access_test_add_field(NodeTypeInterface $type) {
    $field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::create([
        'field_name' => 'private',
        'entity_type' => 'node',
        'type' => 'integer',
    $field = FieldConfig::create([
        'field_name' => 'private',
        'entity_type' => 'node',
        'bundle' => $type->id(),
        'label' => 'Private',
    // Assign widget settings for the 'default' form mode.
    \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository')->getFormDisplay('node', $type->id())
        ->setComponent('private', [
        'type' => 'number',

 * Implements hook_node_access().
function node_access_test_node_access(NodeInterface $node, $op, AccountInterface $account) {
    $secret_catalan = \Drupal::state()->get('node_access_test_secret_catalan') ?: 0;
    if ($secret_catalan && $node->language()
        ->getId() == 'ca') {
        // Make all Catalan content secret.
        return AccessResult::forbidden()->setCacheMaxAge(0);
    // Grant access if a specific user is specified.
    if (\Drupal::state()->get('node_access_test.allow_uid') === $account->id()) {
        return AccessResult::allowed();
    // No opinion.
    return AccessResult::neutral()->setCacheMaxAge(0);


Title Deprecated Summary
node_access_test_add_field Adds the private field to a node type.
node_access_test_node_access Implements hook_node_access().
node_access_test_node_access_records Implements hook_node_access_records().
node_access_test_node_grants Implements hook_node_grants().

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