lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Theme/ Icon/ IconFinder.php
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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Core\Theme\Icon;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;
use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\AutowireTrait;
use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerInjectionInterface;
use Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGeneratorInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
* Icon finder to discover files under specific paths or URLs.
* This class locates icon files based on a provided source, which can be either
* a local path with optional pattern to extract id and group or an URL.
* Local Paths:
* For local paths, the class leverage Symfony Finder features with some extra
* functionalities related to our icon definition:
* - Icon ID Extraction (`{icon_id}`): A placeholder `{icon_id}` within
* the filename allows extracting a portion as the icon ID. For
* example, a source definition like `/{icon_id}-24.svg` would extract
* "book" as the icon ID from the file "book-24.svg".
* - Group Metadata Extraction (`{group}`): A placeholder `{group}` within
* the path allows extracting a folder name as group metadata for the icon.
* For instance, a source definition like `/foo/{group}/*` for the file
* "foo/outline/icon.svg" would assign "outline" as the group for the icon.
* The source path can be:
* - Absolute: Starting with a slash `/`, indicating a path relative to the
* Drupal installation root.
* - Relative: Without a leading slash, indicating a path relative to the
* definition folder.
* URLs:
* For URLs, the source is treated as the direct URL to the icon resource.
* Patterns can not be applied so the filename will be used as icon_id and no
* group is possible.
* Query parameters that change the file display are not supported as icon_id is
* based on the resource filename through pathinfo().
* The class returns an array containing information about the discovered icon:
* - icon_id (string)
* Id based on filename or {icon_id} pattern for path
* - source (string)
* URL to the file, can be external or internal to the Drupal
* - absolute_path (string)
* Local path to the file or url, some extractors may need to read the file
* - group (string|null)
* Optional metadata extracted from {group} pattern if used in the source
* When multiple icons with the same filename (or icon_id) are discovered for
* the same icon pack, only the last one in definition order will be kept.
* The icon_id does not include the extension of the file or any query
* parameters.
* This is intentional to allow moving icons in different folders and even
* switching format while keeping the same id.
* In the same way, the filename is used as icon_id without transformation and
* could contain special characters.
* @internal
* This API is experimental.
class IconFinder implements ContainerInjectionInterface, IconFinderInterface {
use AutowireTrait;
* Pattern to match a group placeholder in a source path.
* This constant is used to identify and extract group metadata from source
* paths defined for icon pack.
private const GROUP_PATTERN = '{group}';
* Pattern to match an icon ID placeholder in a filename.
* This constant is used to identify and extract icon IDs from filenames
* within source paths defined for icon pack.
private const ICON_ID_PATTERN = '{icon_id}';
* List of allowed file extensions for local icon files.
* This restriction is in place for security reasons, so a definition can not
* be used to expose the content of a non image to the extractor.
* Furthermore it make no sense to use other file format as Icons.
private const ALLOWED_EXTENSION = [
* Constructs a new IconFinder object.
* @param \Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGeneratorInterface $fileUrlGenerator
* The file URL generator service.
* @param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
* A logger instance.
* @param string $appRoot
* The application root.
public function __construct(FileUrlGeneratorInterface $fileUrlGenerator, LoggerInterface $logger, string $appRoot) {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getFileContents(string $uri) : string|bool {
$url = parse_url($uri);
if (isset($url['scheme']) || isset($url['host'])) {
return FALSE;
if (!file_exists($uri)) {
return FALSE;
return file_get_contents($uri);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getFilesFromSources(array $sources, string $relative_path) : array {
$result = [];
foreach ($sources as $source) {
// Detect if source is path or remote, parse_url will have no scheme for
// a path.
$url = parse_url($source);
if (isset($url['scheme']) && isset($url['path'])) {
$result = array_merge($result, $this->getFileFromUrl($url['scheme'], $url['path'], $source));
$result = array_merge($result, $this->getFilesFromPath($source, $relative_path));
return $result;
* Get filename from an URL source.
* Because url to an image can be of various form, there is no extension
* validation, only scheme, the extractor must handle the constraints.
* @param string $scheme
* The url scheme from parse_url().
* @param string $path
* The url path from parse_url().
* @param string $source
* The source.
* @return array<string, array<string, string|null>>
* The file discovered.
private function getFileFromUrl(string $scheme, string $path, string $source) : array {
if (!in_array($scheme, UrlHelper::getAllowedProtocols(), TRUE)) {
->warning('Invalid icon source: @source', [
'@source' => $source,
return [];
// Decode url to have cleaner filename.
$icon_id = pathinfo(urldecode($path), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
// Icon ID is used as index to avoid duplicates.
return [
$icon_id => [
'icon_id' => $icon_id,
'source' => $source,
'absolute_path' => $source,
* Get files from a local path.
* This is a wrapper to use Symfony Finder with 2 extras features {group} and
* {icon_id}.
* @param string $source
* The source path, which can be absolute (starting with '/') or relative
* to the definition folder.
* @param string $relative_path
* The relative path to the definition folder.
* @return array<string, array<string, string|null>>
* The file discovered.
private function getFilesFromPath(string $source, string $relative_path) : array {
$path_info = pathinfo($source);
$dirname = $path_info['dirname'] ?? '';
$extension = $path_info['extension'] ?? '';
$filename = $path_info['filename'] ?? '';
if (empty($dirname)) {
return [];
// Set extension to wildcard if empty, and validate against allowed
// extensions.
$extension = empty($extension) ? '*' : $extension;
if ('*' !== $extension && !in_array($extension, self::ALLOWED_EXTENSION, TRUE)) {
->warning('Invalid icon path extension @filename.@extension in source: @source', [
'@filename' => $filename,
'@extension' => $extension,
'@source' => $source,
return [];
// Use allowed extension bracket for Finder if wildcard.
$extension = '*' === $extension ? '{' . implode(',', self::ALLOWED_EXTENSION) . '}' : $extension;
// Prepare filename wildcard if empty or with {icon_id} pattern.
$filename_wildcard = empty($filename) ? '*' : str_replace(self::ICON_ID_PATTERN, '*', $filename);
// If icons are in the same folder dirname is 'dot'.
if ('.' === $dirname) {
$dirname = '';
// Prepare path to search for icons for Finder::in().
$path = str_starts_with($source, '/') ? $this->appRoot . $dirname : sprintf('%s/%s/%s', $this->appRoot, $relative_path, $dirname);
// Prepare file names for Finder::name().
$names = sprintf('%s.%s', $filename_wildcard, $extension);
if (!($finder = $this->findFiles($path, $names))) {
return [];
// Wildcard around filename are ignored for extractIconIdFromFilename.
$filename = str_replace('*', '', $filename);
return $this->processFoundFiles($finder, $source, $filename, self::determineGroupPosition($path));
* Creates a Finder instance with configured patterns and return result.
* @param string $path
* The path to search for icons.
* @param string $names
* The file names for Finder::names().
* @return \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder|null
* The configured Finder instance.
private function findFiles(string $path, string $names) : ?Finder {
$path = str_replace(self::GROUP_PATTERN, '*', $path);
$finder = new Finder();
try {
} catch (\Throwable) {
->warning('Invalid icon path in source: @source', [
'@source' => $path,
return NULL;
if (!$finder->hasResults()) {
->warning('No icon found in source: @source', [
'@source' => $path,
return NULL;
return $finder;
* Process files and format icon information.
* @param \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder $finder
* The Finder instance with found files.
* @param string $source
* The source.
* @param string $path_info_filename
* The filename from path_info().
* @param int|null $group_position
* The position of the group in the path, or null if not applicable.
* @return array<string, array<string, string|null>>
* List of files with metadata.
private function processFoundFiles(Finder $finder, string $source, string $path_info_filename, ?int $group_position) : array {
$result = [];
$has_icon_pattern = \str_contains($path_info_filename, self::ICON_ID_PATTERN);
foreach ($finder as $file) {
$file_absolute_path = $file->getPathName();
$icon_id = $file->getFilenameWithoutExtension();
// If an {icon_id} pattern is used, extract it to be used.
if ($has_icon_pattern) {
$icon_id = self::extractIconIdFromFilename($icon_id, $path_info_filename);
// Icon ID is used as index to avoid duplicates.
$result[$icon_id] = [
'icon_id' => $icon_id,
'source' => $this->fileUrlGenerator
->generateString(str_replace($this->appRoot, '', $file_absolute_path)),
'absolute_path' => $file_absolute_path,
'group' => self::extractGroupFromPath($file->getPath(), $group_position),
return $result;
* Check if {icon_id} is a part of the name and need to be extracted.
* @param string $filename
* The filename found to match against.
* @param string $filename_pattern
* The path with {icon_id}.
* @return string
* The extracted icon ID or the original filename.
private static function extractIconIdFromFilename(string $filename, string $filename_pattern) : string {
$pattern = str_replace(self::ICON_ID_PATTERN, '(?<icon_id>.+)?', $filename_pattern);
if (preg_match('@' . $pattern . '@', $filename, $matches)) {
return $matches['icon_id'] ?? $filename;
return $filename;
* Extracts the group from a file path based on the group position.
* @param string $path
* The file path.
* @param int|null $group_position
* The position of the group in the path, or null if not applicable.
* @return string|null
* The extracted group, or null if not found.
private static function extractGroupFromPath(string $path, ?int $group_position) : ?string {
$parts = explode('/', trim($path, '/'));
return $parts[$group_position] ?? NULL;
* Determines the group position based on the URI.
* The group position is needed to use it as a mask to find the folder name
* matching this position.
* @param string $source
* The source with optional group pattern.
* @return int|null
* The determined group position.
private static function determineGroupPosition(string $source) : ?int {
$parts = explode('/', trim($source, '/'));
if ($result = array_search(self::GROUP_PATTERN, $parts, TRUE)) {
return (int) $result;
return NULL;
Title | Deprecated | Summary |
IconFinder | Icon finder to discover files under specific paths or URLs. |
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