function devel_xhprof_link

2 calls to devel_xhprof_link()
devel_shutdown_xhprof_drush in ./devel.module
Log URL to Drush log if this is a drush request.
devel_xhprof_link_show in ./devel.module
Displays page execution time at the bottom of the page.


./devel.module, line 1800


function devel_xhprof_link($run_id, $type = 'link') {
    // @todo: render results from within Drupal.
    $xhprof_url = variable_get('devel_xhprof_url', '');
    $namespace = devel_xhprof_get_namespace();
    // namespace for your application
    if ($xhprof_url) {
        $url = $xhprof_url . '/index.php?run=' . urlencode($run_id) . '&source=' . urlencode($namespace);
        return $type == 'url' ? $url : t('<a href="@xhprof">XHProf output</a>. ', array(
            '@xhprof' => $url,