function _ctools_term_vocabulary_ctools_access_map_vids

Helper function to map the vids from old features to the new machine_name.

Add the machine_name key to $conf if the vids key exist.


array $conf: The configuration of this plugin.

3 calls to _ctools_term_vocabulary_ctools_access_map_vids()
ctools_term_vocabulary_ctools_access_check in plugins/access/
Check for access.
ctools_term_vocabulary_ctools_access_settings in plugins/access/
Settings form for the 'by term_vocabulary' access plugin.
ctools_term_vocabulary_ctools_access_summary in plugins/access/
Provide a summary description based upon the checked term_vocabularys.


plugins/access/, line 116


function _ctools_term_vocabulary_ctools_access_map_vids(&$conf) {
    if (!empty($conf['vids'])) {
        $conf['machine_name'] = array();
        $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
        foreach ($conf['vids'] as $vid) {
            $machine_name = $vocabularies[$vid]->machine_name;
            $conf['machine_name'][$machine_name] = $vocabularies[$vid]->machine_name;