function ctools_compare_users_settings

Settings form for the 'by perm' access plugin.

1 string reference to 'ctools_compare_users_settings' in plugins/access/
CTools access plugin to provide access/visiblity if two user contexts are equal.


plugins/access/, line 30


function ctools_compare_users_settings($form, &$form_state, $conf) {
    $form['settings']['helptext'] = array(
        '#type' => 'markup',
        '#value' => '<div>' . t('Grant access based on comparison of the two user contexts. For example, to grant access to a user to view their own profile, choose "logged in user" and "user being viewed" and say "grant access if equal". When they\'re the same, access will be granted.') . '</div>',
    $form['settings']['equality'] = array(
        '#type' => 'radios',
        '#title' => t('Grant access if user contexts are'),
        '#options' => array(
            1 => t('Equal'),
            0 => t('Not equal'),
        '#default_value' => $conf['equality'],
    return $form;