function page_manager_get_current_page

Get the current page information.

Return value

$page An array containing the following information.

  • 'name': The name of the page as used in the page manager admin UI.
  • 'task': The plugin for the task in use. If this is a system page it will contain information about that page, such as what functions it uses.
  • 'subtask': The plugin for the subtask. If this is a custom page, this will contain information about that custom page. See 'subtask' in this array to get the actual page object.
  • 'handler': The actual handler object used. If using panels, see $page['handler']->conf['display'] for the actual panels display used to render.
  • 'contexts': The context objects used to render this page.
  • 'arguments': The raw arguments from the URL used on this page.
1 call to page_manager_get_current_page()
ctools_context_handler_render_handler in includes/
Render a task handler.


page_manager/page_manager.module, line 1229


function page_manager_get_current_page($page = NULL) {
    static $current = array();
    if (isset($page)) {
        $current = $page;
    return $current;