function ctools_context_get_converters

Get a list of converters available for a given context.


string $cid: A context ID.

ctools_context $context: The context for which converters are needed.

Return value

array A list of context converters.

5 calls to ctools_context_get_converters()
ctools_custom_content_type_edit_form in plugins/content_types/custom/
Returns an edit form for the custom type.
theme_ctools_context_list in includes/
Create a visible list of all the contexts available on an object. Assumes arguments, relationships and context objects.
views_content_views_content_type_admin_info in views_content/plugins/content_types/
Returns the administrative title for a type.
views_content_views_panes_content_type_edit_form in views_content/plugins/content_types/
Returns an edit form for a block.
_ctools_context_converter_selector in includes/
Helper function for ctools_context_converter_selector().


includes/, line 783


function ctools_context_get_converters($cid, $context) {
    if (empty($context->plugin)) {
        return array();
    return _ctools_context_get_converters($cid, $context->plugin);